«🕸Cht. 2: Senses. . .?!🕸»

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Izuku POV
I woke up with a terrible headache, my vision was blurry but I was able to see...

Weird... Why do I feel different..?

It was really hot so I just took off my shirt and stretched as I sat up.

I stumbled out of bed and to the bathroom, I yawned and turned the light on.

I seen my reflection in the mirror and I screamed.
"what the...?!" I said, confused as ever, "Izuku, sweetie, are you ok?!" Mom yelled from another room, "y-yeah, I'm okay!!... More than ok..!" I said as I stared at myself in the mirror, how did I even get so ripped...? In all honesty; I don't work out, I think of it but I've never been bothered to do it...

My thoughts kept running as I panicked a little, "Izuku, hurry up! You're gonna be late!" Mom yelled, I rushed to my room and put on some clothes, I grabbed my glasses and put them on...

Why is everything so blurry again?!

I quickly took them off, how is my vision so good now?!

What is even going on?!
I rushed into the bathroom again and splashed my self with some water, maybe that would wake me up..?

I blinked a few times and lifted up my shirt, I still look ripped.. Okay.. So it's not apart of my imagination..!

I sprinted down to the front door and put my shoes on, I grabbed my bag and left with a simple "bye mom! I love you!!" Then I was off to school!
The whole way to school my ears were ringing... It felt as if everything went in slow motion... It was like everything was so loud... It seemed as if everything and everyone was loud-! Wait... What is that?!

My hand moved as quick as my brain could register it

. . .

Wait did I just catch someone's fist?!?! I turned around and seen Kacchan "o-oh.. H-hey Kacchan...!" I mumbled, terrified for my life.

"How the hell did you do that, you damn nerd?!?!" Kacchan shouted, yanking his hand back, "i-i.. I don't k-know-?!" He went to punch me again but I dodged it, now everyone was looking at us..!

"How do you keep doing that?!?!" He shouted again, I shrugged, still terrified but kinda confident for some reason...

He went to swing at me but I caught his arm/wrist and twisted it, ok... I didn't mean to do that!!! "Ouch?!?! What the hell is wrong with you, Deku?!?!" Kacchan asked as he tried to pull his wrist/arm back, which just caused him more pain.

"LET GO OF MY RIGHT NOW, DEKU!!!" He shouted even louder, I swear the whole school heard it! "I-im sorry, Kacchan!!" I said and let go of his wrist/arm.

He held his arm with his other hand, he huffed before walking away.
My eyes scanned around the area as everything and everyone went in slow motion again...

Just a bit afar from where I was I seen Kirishima tripping on something, my legs moved on their own, I ran up to him and caught him and the things he had in his hand just before he tripped, "h-huh..?! Oh, Mido-Bro! Thanks.. Nice save!" He said with the same toothy grin he does, I smiled back and he stood on his feet.

I handed him back his stuff, "thanks again!.. You got some fast reflex, too!" He added, "o-oh.. I suppose I do!.."

----After class/school----

I was walking home when a group of men walked up to me, "what are you doing on this side of Japan, kid?" One of the men spat, "o-oh.. Actually I live near here.. I just took a short
c-" "yeah, yeah! We don't wanna hear that full explanation! This is our side of Japan, I advice you to leave before we have problems!" Another one of the guys said making me terrified.

"I'm sorry guys but this is the fastest way to my house..! I swear I won't be here for too long, just let me go through and I won't be a bother to y'all any more.." I mumbled, trying to find a way to move them out the way so I could go.

One of the guys pushed me back, nearly causing me to fall to the ground, "you heard us the first time! Now, leave!" Another guy said.

I got up just as two of he guys went to hit me.

I flipped back onto a wall, I stuck to it...

the men had a confused look on they're face and so did I..

How- what- when- idk?!

I took this as a chance to climb up the wall as the men tried to get to me but failed.

I got to the top of the building then I realized something..

My house wasn't too far from here so maybe I could try something out? I could get myself killed or seriously hurt by this but maybe just maybe this'll work...

(🕸848 words🕸)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2022 ⏰

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