Chapter 20

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Maybe Zim was just out trick or treating like a normal person? Then again, I guess even that would be abnormal of him to do. Dib only made me think about it even more!
"I don't know..." I frowned.

'But whatever it may be, I know for a fact that it isn't anything good...'

I covered my ears. By now, I could get used to the sound of children screaming in horror. This time though, it was coming from the opposite direction to Zims house. Now this just has to be Zim's doing! Right away, Dib took my hand and dashed for it, making sure not to bump into anyone along the way. I admit, it got annoying when we were chasing everything...

But then we made it. The whole place seemed different and eerie. It looked like a rugby pitch with some cardboard bush props painted green. They stuck from the ground and formed all different paths. 'So this is a maze?' I thought, looking around the place. There seemed to be no sight of anyone around here anymore. Me and Dib could only wonder what had happened whilst we were gone. We looked at each other, then back to the maze; as though we were getting confirmation from each other. The whole sight was odd, so we found it perfect to be cautious all of the way through. One step in, and a loud, annoying laugh echoed around the place. This laugh - to me - made it very obvious to point out that this was none other than the Irken himself: Zim. There just had to be a situation with him once a week! Me and Dib looked back at one another, both visibly irritated. Just then, a loud SLAM broke our stare. It was a metal looking door that closed us in...
I mentally panicked. Neither I, nor Dib knew what to do - and this amused Zim very much.
"Hello, filthy creatures! It is I, Zim!" He calmly greeted. Although we couldn't see him (because we didn't know where he was), I could just tell that he has a huge smirk on his face right now. Especially upon seeing the two of us freak out about not only being trapped here, but with the fact that ghostly creatures started appearing out of nowhere!
"ZIM! WHAT'S GOING ON!?" Dib yelled, prying off the ghosts that came near.
"Do you like them? It's a little experiment I conquered up myself!" Zim stated proudly, impressed at his own idea and invention.
"And what exactly does it do..?" 
"Why spoil the fun when you can find out yourselves?" Zim began to laugh once more, watching us pathetically cower over the ghostly figures coming our way.

His experiment - I'm hinting on - is nothing but a test. A test where Zim would gain more knowledge about our species, for him to find out more about what he's dealing with. A test of fear, agility and strength. Though it was a rather dumb concept since all humans are and act differently.
"Enjoy it while it lasts, Zim. Me and (Y/N) will put a stop to this! If you haven't already noticed, we so happen to be wearing the correct gear!" Dib smirked. Unlike him, I got the big picture. That was the whole point! Zim was most definitely spying on us - no doubt about it! This just proved my theory that this was only a test. Now, I wasn't entirely sure of myself, I didn't know if these 'ghosts' could or couldn't hurt us. Either way, I wouldn't want to find out. But I knew one thing, this is where Zim would get to test our abilities.
Dib looked at me, holding the toy vacuum that he had gotten Professor Membrane to craft. This 'prop' acted as a real vacuum. Dib said that he wanted things to be more realistic. I guess in this case, it wasn't so 'extra'. I nodded, grabbing out the one he had crafted for me. We switched them on and aimed them at the white holograms. This whole fiasco carried on for around ten minutes before Zim spoke up again, sounding as bored as ever.
"You humans are capable, but you bore me..." Zim stroked his chin, figuring out ways for his own amusement. "Hmm, how about I crank the machines mode up a bit, just to see whether you can survive it."
Zim was smart with some of his words, but weren't with others. From this, I gathered that there was a machine controlling these holograms (which was probably the bit of information that he wasn't supposed to share). I also heard fake news - that these holograms could kill you. I knew they were harmless, not so sure about Dib though. I just went along with the act.
"Does cranking up its mode mean that there's more of them? Or does it mean that they're harder to kill?" Dib asked out of curiosity. But of course, Zim gave him no answer and let him find out on his own. I've only just began to think of what Gaz would do if she were here. She probably would've beat this already - while me and Dib here are still trying to figure out what to do. I knew there was a machine, so breaking it would be the answer, right? Even so, I don't even know where it is!!
I guess that was why it made it more of a laugh for Zim.
I held onto the vacuum tightly and kept it in front of me. Mine was merely empty whilst Dibs was almost full! I could see why... Dib was awesome! This whole time - while I've been trying to devise a plan - he's been fighting off most of the holograms. The way he did it was so cool too! I guess he may have learned a thing or two from his sister.! Just then, as I saw Dibs machine reach its end, I took mine off of my back and placed it on the ground next to Dib. Then, his ran out of power. When he saw me place it on the ground, he was awfully confused. That was until he caught on when I said:
"I think I know what I'm doing. Put that on and stay close to me..." I eyed the holograms, blocking Dib so that he could wear the gadget. I only panicked once I saw how many there were - all of which were heading straight towards us. In an instant, Dib nudged me aside and began to fight them off for me. After almost all were gone, I tapped his shoulder and led the way through the maze.

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