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"Scott explain why he won't talk to us. I mean you are his best friend."

"I've been hanging around with you guys. He hasn't. I don't know. I went round to his house he wasn't there."

"What about the rest of you?" 

Everyone looked around at each other not sure what to say. Surely someone has been checking up on him right? After all they're friends, Scott is family to stiles. 

Realising that no one has been a actual decent friend to stiles he stood up, shook his head with disappointment and walked out but not before saying. "I want him here this Friday."


"Stiles! Wait up please!"

Allison ran in front of stiles to try and make him stop. "We missed you at the pack meeting."

"Sorry didn't think you'd want me there"

Before she could say anything he turned around and left.


Stiles misses the way everything used to be. 

It's hard knowing you're not wanted. It was all good when Scott wasn't cool or wasn't a werewolf  and got a whole new group of friends that didn't include him. Which sucks he honestly never thought Scott would ever leave him in the dust but he gets it. 

Maybe it's because he talks too much. Maybe he has too much energy.  Maybe he's just designed to be alone. 

Walking through the front door he went straight to his room, dropping his bag and changing into a t shirt that's now 2 sizes too big and a basketball shorts, which had to be tied tightly to not fall down, since he hasn't been eating he's lost about 30lbs which is hidden by hoodies and 2 layer pants. 

He walked closer to his bed and collapsed on top drifting into sleep. 

'I need to be thinner. I just want to stop thinking. I wanted to just leave. Just die. Everyone would be better off. There's blood everywhere. I can't see properly anymore. Everything is just one big blur' .

'3 weeks and if it don't get better ill kill myself.'


Derek felt absolutely horrible. Something was wrong with stiles, he could feel it. Stiles obviously didn't know what Derek knew and that was they were mates. He conformed it out during the 'pool incident'. 

Since then he hasn't been able to think straight. All he wants is to be close to stiles. Thats why he wanted him at the pack meeting. Any excuse to be close right. Plus he was amazing when it came to planning a attack or figuring out a attack. 

If he was completely honest since the first time they met he was starstruck. The smell was amazing, like nothing he ever smelled before, like cinnamon and vanilla. The glow around him was warm but he didn't know why yet. Well not until the pool incident. 

All he wanted was to see him happy so he stayed away which now he realises was fucking stupid. They're made for each other, THEY WOULDNT BE BETTER WITHOUT EACH OTHER! He must of made him feel not wanted. That's probably why he stopped interacting, because they stopped including him.

Slowly Stiles started pulling away, stopped coming to pack meetings, stopped hanging out around friends, stopped talking they way he used to.  It was worrying.

He didn't smell the same anymore, it was a depressing type of smell. His glow had left leaving a tired and gaunt expression on his face. 

So he did the only thing he could think of... he ran to stiles house, climbed up the side of the home to get into the window which he always leaves locked. 

Derek didn't know what to expect but this wasn't it. 

stiles was on top of his covers in a light t-shirt and basketball shorts that looked too big. The same ones that he wore last year that fit him perfectly (he totally wasn't looking 👀). When he took a breath Derek could see his ribs faintly. 

He landed lightly on the floor careful not to step on the diet coke cans or the clothes all over the place. God when was the last time this place was cleaned?? 

Sighing he walked over to stiles and slightly lifted him up to pull the covers back to put over stiles then worked on cleaning up the room. Quitely. 

He folded clothes, put  a few dirty ones into the hamper in the corner, picked up all the cans and bottles then finally wiped down the table and his laptop. 

When he was done he turned around only to have Stiles looking directly at him sitting up. 

"how long have you been awake?"

"why are you cleaning my room?"

"I don't understand how your dad hasn't said anything."

"He's never here. what do you want? research i'm guessing. well go to Lydia for that cos honestly im done."

He layed back down putting the covers over his head. 

Derek didn't say anything just walked towards the bed. At this stiles did get a little scared. Maybe he was too rude I mean the guy this push him into any surface he could find but he didn't do anything just stared for a second then pulled off his leather jacket and kicked off his shoes. 

Then he pulled back the covers and got in beside Stiles. He stiffened. 

"I care about you. A LOT. I'm rebuilding my family home and I want you're help. Please come to the meetings."

At this stiles turned and looked at Derek "ok. for you ill come." Derek smiled and stiles looked down blushing. thats the smell he missed. Feeling bold he wrapped his arm around his waist, pulling him closer breathing in his scent. 

"What are you doing?" 

Derek panicked and made up a white lie "pack comfort." 

Satisfied Stiles closed his eyes and fell asleep almost immediately. 


okay im gonna leave it here for the moment ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2023 ⏰

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