I was in a coma for five years, and somebody wrote me a journal

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I was in a coma for five years, and somebody wrote me a journal

submitted 1 day ago by SleepyHead1492

I was in a coma for five years. Being in a coma is very weird. I’ve done a lot of research on them out of curiosity since I woke up, but it would seem everyone has a different experience. Some people remember hearing people talking, or had dreams, or it seemed like they were just stuck. I was just out. The last thing I remember before I woke up was a woman screaming something unintelligible.

They told me that a car went off the road, onto the sidewalk I was strolling down, and plowed right through me. Obviously, it was pretty serious. Aside from the considerable head trauma, I broke several bones, and because I couldn’t rehab my injuries properly, they have to rebreak them now and hope we can get them to grow back properly.

I woke up about a month ago. I thought it was a joke. Some elaborate prank someone was playing on me. I woke up to a nurse looking at me, making a face of extreme confusion, then yelling for a doctor. I was still very hazy. Later my family arrived, crying and hugging me. All I could think is how much older my mom looked. Her hair was completely gray now.

It wasn’t until they turned on the news that I really began to realize it was true. Seeing the date…2015? What the hell happened to me? Since then, obviously, I’ve begun piecing my life back together. Reacquainting with friends and family, telling the same story and answering the same questions to everyone I talked to. I was just a senior in high school when it happened. I didn’t even get to graduate. Great. Now I’m a cripple and a drop out.

But all in all, mentally, I’m okay again. So you’re probably wondering why I’m writing this here. Well, Reddit has been a fun distraction for me. I remember seeing the name when I would browse the web before, but had never been on it. Hell, Myspace was still going strong last I remember. But Reddit is fun, and reading all these articles and browsing all these subreddits has really given me something to do to distract myself after a long day of wondering what to do with myself.

But anyway, onto why I’m here. When I got out, they gave me a bag of all my possessions I had on me when I was brought into the hospital. I hadn’t even bothered going through them until today. Honestly I forgot about the bag until earlier when I noticed it in my closet. Inside were the clothes I was wearing (minus the shirt, it was discarded due to the blood), my smashed flip phone, my mp3 player, and a journal.

I didn’t have a journal on me when I was brought into the hospital.

It’s just a plain composition notebook like you’d buy at the store. There’s nothing written on the cover.

I sat down and started reading it today. Someone was writing this journal to me. And it seems they wrote it while sitting next to me in the hospital. There’s at least one entry a week for the entire time I was out. Since I’m still confused, and more than a little freaked out, I decided to go ahead and write down some entries here. Maybe this will help me clear things up, I don’t know.

Entry 1

Dear Sam,

I came as soon as I could after I heard about the accident. I knew it was coming, but didn’t think it would be so soon. I’m just glad you survived. I’ll be spending as much time with you as I can until you recover, so we can finish this. I just hope you’re not suffering.

I’m not sure I like this hospital. Security seems lax. Too lax. Despite being after visiting hours, all I had to do was tell the security guard I was family, and he wrote me a visitors pass. Seems like just anyone could walk in and get to you. I’ll have to make sure they don’t.

I hate seeing you like this. Your body is so mangled. I barely recognize your face. But I know it’s you. I hope it doesn’t hurt when I kiss you hello and goodbye every night. But I can’t resist. I’m going to anyway. You know I care about you, even if that might interfere in our work. But we’ll get the job finished. We have to. No matter how long it takes.

I decided to keep this journal so when you wake up, you can be updated, as if you were never in a coma! Hopefully it won’t be long, but I know how these things are. There’s just know way to know for sure.

I’m afraid I can’t stay long tonight. I might not make it back for a few days. I’ll have to get some things straightened out just in case you’re out for the long run. But don’t worry. I’ll be watching. Making sure you’re safe. Nothing can happen to you until our job is done. Besides, I couldn’t live with myself if I never got to see you wake up.

Emundat nos lumen aeternum pugnam omnia magna

Love always,


I mean seriously, what the fuck? That’s some shady sounding shit. I don’t even know anyone named Alistair. I had a girlfriend before the accident, but her name was Hannah, and she went to school out of state when she graduated. I asked my mom if she knew anyone by that name, or knew if someone was visiting me at night, and she said no. I didn’t tell her about the journal, because I don’t want her to be even more worried about me.

I’m going to go to bed now. This has made my head hurt. I’ll read through more tomorrow, and post any entries that sound like they’re important. I think I’ll also go up to the hospital, and talk to a couple nurses to see if they know who this might be.

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[–]rianic 10 points 1 day ago 

I went to google translate, and the Latin part means

ENGLISH All matters great and eternal light, cleanseth us

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