i don't know where else to turn, maybe you guys can help me?

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I don't know where else to turn, maybe you guys can help me?

submitted 7 hours ago * by AssViolator

This isn't going to be one of those well written stories, where every word of dialogue is some how remembered by the author. This is something that has been happening to me the past week and I am scared and don't know what is going on. I am not sure where else to turn as I feel most people would just write me off as crazy, but maybe I am. IDK I am just wondering if you guys have any advice for me.

About a month ago I saw M Night. Shamylan's new movie The Visit. I imagine some of you have seen it (I am not going to spoil anything major for those of you that haven't), and for the past week or so some weird shit has been happening similar to the movie. Why a month after, I have no idea. I swear to God I am not just ripping of this movie to make up a story.

Late Monday night, or early Tuesday morning (whichever you prefer to say), at 4:40 A.M. I was jolted awake to the sounds of scratching on the walls outside my bedroom door. I was still kind of hazy so I figured maybe my roommate was just up making food or something, it took me a second to realize what I was hearing. This really fast scratching. When I looked at my door, I couldn't see any light coming from outside in between the ground and the door, and I thought that it would be weird for my roommate to be out of his room doing stuff in the dark.

In the movie the two kids obviously have bigger balls than I do, so they open the door to see what the noise is and see their grandma scratching on the wall across the hall from them. I, however, am not retarded, so I jumped up locked my door, and laid back in bed, and after what felt like an eternity the scratching stopped. I didn't go back to sleep and laid there until the sun came up and then got ready for work and left with no other weird occurrences.

The following night my roommate told me he was going to be spending the night at his girlfriends, which honestly made me worried because if it wasn't him just playing a joke on me I was going to be stuck here alone. I don't remember much of the movie after this other than the end, so I don't know if what happened next also happened in the movie, but again I was jolted awake but this time it wasn't scratching, it was a loud crash. I leaned over and looked at my phone and again, 4:40 A.M. I swear to God I am not making this shit up. My door handle started jiggling, but fortunately I had locked the door before I went to bed. I was about to puke I was filled with so much panic. Again after what felt like an eternity the jiggling stopped. I sat there until the sun came up and the moment it did, I left my room and opened my roommates door. He wasn't in there and I never heard our front door open and close any time after the jiggling stopped (trust me, I would have heard it) so he couldn't have done it and left.

The next night was more of the same, again at 4:40 A.M. (the significance of this time I have no idea). And then this morning it got worse. At 4:40 A.M. I woke up to someone pushing on the window to my bedroom. I have curtains, but I was way to terrified to open them, I now somewhat wish I had. It wasn't a knocking or scratching sound, literally someone was pushing on it.

I have no idea what is going on here and I am terrified what is going to happen tonight. What has been happening just reminded me a lot of The Visit and I didn't want anyone to accuse me of just stealing the scary shit in that movie. I am not going to go to sleep tonight because I want to be awake if something is going to happen at 4:40. It can't be that someone has a key to the apartment that used to live here because we had a break-in about a year ago and the land lord allowed us to have new locks installed because the old ones were shit and were the reason that they got in.

If anyone has any advice for me right now I would greatly appreciate it.

Edit: I will update this post a little after 4:40 if anything happens.

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