The Idea...

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     I'm Aubrey... A girl age thirteen. I'm living In an orphanage but to be honest Its creepy It doesn't feel right... The only "Toys" there are, Are puppets but of course I never use them.... For some reason they give me vibes... *Btw this story Is brought to me by _Maskyfox_ So thank you* For months me and Jack have been fearing them... They look like they are watching us and are just weird. "Hey Aubrey!" Jack says Interrupting my thoughts. "Someone broke Hannah's puppet." Jack says. "Isn't that a good thing? They are creepy as hell." I say unfazed. "Oh come on Aubrey you know she loves that puppet..." Jack says. I sigh "Fine, I'll take It to henry to fix." I say.

    I see Hannah and call for her "Hannah!" Hannah Is an Eight year old girl that I met here and I take care of her because she's so nice and looks so fragile. People love to bully her since she's so small but normally I'm always there to help. "I'll get your doll fixed ok?" I say calmly. She runs up and hugs me. "Thank you Aubrey!" She says still holding on to me. I smile.

    I take the doll and walk down the long corridor we walk down to talk to the owner Mr. Henry. "Mr. Henry! Hannahs doll broke again! Could you please fix It?" I call. "In here girl!" The man yells at me from the room ahead. I walk along and go Inside... There are walls and walls of puppets. "Hannah's?" he asks. "Yeah, Sorry..." I say smiling awkward. I'm the only one Henry truly respects because apparently I'm polite, And I do my chores without a complaint. He fixes It I say thank you and leave.

( Henry's POV) 

     I'm henry. I own and run an orphanage, But I don't like any of the kids. Well except Aubrey, She's a nice responsible and respectful person. I love puppets so I make them... We can't afford toys so I make puppets for children... I don't care though I've always hated children. I wish there was a way to get rid of them. One night I sit In my chair drawing out my next puppet to make when an Idea forms. I wouldn't care If children lost their lives.... What If I killed children for parts for my puppets.... I could control them they could all be like Aubrey! Respectful nice and responsible. The Idea was so evil and perfect It had success all over It.

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