Chapter 5

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    The empty space inside was big enough that you could practically fit your whole body inside, though it definitely did not look comfortable. The walls were lined in a chilly grey metal piping that reached high enough to the point where you could see the backs of his eyes peeking through his sockets. It was safe to say you had absolutely no clue why it was there and why the cavity wasn't just used to fit more machinery. It would have been far more practical, right?

    After taking that moment to analyze the lack of content within him, you realized that it might have been a bit strange of you to be leaning into him the way you were when you were only trying to repair his voice box, located on the inner wall of his stomach hatch. The hatch itself was split down the middle, though an extra faded pink oval, representing a cute patch of fur, covered the seam almost perfectly; there was a small split on his stomach right underneath the overlapping plate. It was pretty unnoticeable. 

    "Curiosity killed the cat, you know, (N/N)." The voice box that was next to your ear vibrated ever so slightly against the metal. "Although, I don't mind it. When I still attended birthday parties, the kids got a kick out of playing in there. When they played hide and seek, I hid them so well they were never even found!" Funtime Freddy laughed, which sent vibrations throughout his body from the tip of his ears to the flat bottoms of his clunky paws. Your arms prickled with goosebumps.

    Hiding your grimace, you decided to reply back with a chuckle of your own. You had fond memories of him and his other robotic entertainers walking among your childhood friends, but besides this, you couldn't dig deep enough into your memories to prove whether his statement was true or not. You took his word for it, instead.

    "I'll note that down in case my mother decides to chase me down again…" You and your mother had a tendency to bash heads. Quite a lot, actually. "Maybe we can play hide and seek with her, too." This time, you giggled for real at just the thought… "Oh yeah, your voice box! Gosh, I got side tracked, sorry." It was only a moment of distraction, but you got right back to work.

    "Ah, I think that's a wonderful idea, (Y/N). Trust me, dear, when I say that no person will be able to find you when you're with me. You have my honest word!" The way that he exaggerated his words through his body language was certainly eccentric. The wood creaked beneath him every time he spoke, as he always felt the need to squirm and wiggle at every important phrase.

    The two of you had spoken about a multitude of subjects while you tampered with his voice. At the time, whenever he made a sound, there would be a rattle, also accompanied by the fact that his audio was always constantly glitching. You were glad that he had made it easy for you again, with the additional plus of being able to hear your work through his words. Being done with his voice box was a weight taken off of your shoulders. The small contraption was largely complex for its only use being to provide clear speech. 

    Luckily for you, you knew how to handle machines well, even more than what was expected of you.

    In terms of information gathering, also known as casual conversation, you were able to learn more about Freddy, especially his past best friend, Bon Bon, a small and saturated light blue rabbit hand puppet. The way that he recalled the memory of his missing pal was much deeper and much softer than when he recalled those kids from his old pizzeria. Even when he had joked about "not being attached by the hip, but the hand," he seemed solemn, a little more down to earth. 

    Those sad glances down at his hand seemed so out of character, yet so gut wrenching. You could only imagine the loss, though you wondered how he could even feel the pain of loss at all.


    Fumntim Fredrick time guys let's goo. Time to dance party.

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