Chapter 4

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When Seokjin woke up, the blood red sky of dawn was peeking through the semi-open embroidered blinds. He sat up, and jolts of pain shot up his bottom and every muscle in his body was sore. His skin and hair were caked with sweat and his odor made him want to drown himself in rosewater for an entire week. He looked down at his flacid member and found dried, thick, white liquid coating it in random places.

And all the memories began flooding in.

A dark blush threaded its way to Seokjin ears and neck, and goosebumps bloomed all over his exposed skin. An explicit image of V, drenched in perspiration, eyes dark with lust and hair tousled back as he penetrated Seokjin with his thick member, was etched into Seokjin's brain and as much as he didn't mind having that erotic image living in his head rent-free, he did not want to be bothered with an excited junior. Moreover, he was embarrassed at the fact that he had thrown himself at V and wept like some child.

Cringing at himself and flinching from the throb southwards, Seokjin mustered every last drop of his strength to stagger into the bathroom.

Once he had fixed up the bath, he carefully, wincing, sank into the warm, scented water. A deep, long sigh escaped his chapped lips as his aching body relaxed and the knots on his forehead disappeared. Staring at the tiled wall infront of him, Seokjin's mind took him back to the previous night, more specifically, to the man from previous night.

He could still feel the ghost of the man's lithe touches on his skin, his hot breath tingling his sensitive flesh. Seokjin wondered if V was mute, or simply following some sort of protocol from his agency. Either ways, Seokjin felt a little frustrated that he could not hear the man's moans.

He shook his head lightly and slapped himself a couple of times to get rid of V from his mind; he wasn't in the mood to handle a boner at that moment. Tousling his purple locks, Seokjin sank further into the bathtub until his nose was barely on surface. As soon as V walked out of his head, thoughts of Yoongi invaded his mind, and Seokjin pondered on sinking lower; atleast then he could be where Yoongi was.

Seokjin lost track of time. He did not snap out of his trance-like state until he heard the booming voice of a maid outside his bedroom door.

"Young Master Seokjin, breakfast is ready."


Seokjin's appetite curled seeing his brother drag himself into the dining room with glazed eyes. His hair was sticking out in odd directions and his shirt from the previous day stuck to his body pathetically. When he sat opposite to Seokjin, he stared at him with his empty, bloodshot eyes. Seokjin was not sure what to deduce from his brother's strange behaivour; he just averted his eyes and examined his nails for no reason.

He still felt his brother's gaze lingering on him. Seokjin felt suffocated; he wondered if Seokjung passed by his room last night and overheard the muffled commotion, which was very unlikely because the older was rarely seen outside the confinement of his room and one had to press their ear against the door to listen to what was going on inside (Seokjung was definitely not someone who would initiate that).

Thankfully, two servers walked into the dining room with their breakfast, which diverted Seokjung's unnerving attention from Seokjin. As they ate, cutlery clinking being the only source of noise, Seokjin noticed thin red strips on his brother's hands and forearms; their parents must had punished him before departing. Seokjin himself had been a victim to their parents' secret wrath but never as much as his brother.

Seokjin parted his chopticks to pick up a piece of roasted potato when his phone buzzed against his thigh. Hope bloomed inside him, but withered right immediately when he saw the caller was from the escort agency instead of the hospital.

"Hello?" Seokjin said.

"Good morning, sir!" spoke a lady in a squeaky voice. "I apologise to bother you if you are busy right now but I had to call to inform you that you need to pick your next escort for tonight. Our agency must inform the employee before hand and cross-check if there are any other reservations for that particular employee. I will be sending you the link to our page again to the provided email. A fast response would be apprecaited, sir."

The woman spoke so fast that Seokjin had to wait for three seconds to let the words register into his mind.

"Y-Yes, I will be sure as soon as possible," Seokjin cleared his throat lightly in embarrassment and took a quick glance of his brother who seemed unbothered.

"Great! Thank you so much for your cooperation, sir. Oh, and how was last night, sir? Do you have any complaints? Any remarks? Something to improve our service?"

"Um," Seokjin's cheeks steamed, "No, it was good."

Seokjin wanted to bang his head on the edge of the table. It was good was an underestimation in so many ways.

"Oh?" as if the lady was not satisfied with the answer. "V is actually one of our most demanded. Should I let the agency know of his poor performance-"

'No no!" Seokjin interjected.

"It was- he was-" Seokjin cleared his throat again. "I....enjoyed last night."

"Then that's a relief! I'll end our call here. Goodbye, sir!"

Seokjin felt like he was going to combust at that point. Finishing the remaining contents on his plate, Seokjin left for his room as soon as possible.


Seokjin bit his lips as he swiped through the profiles. He could not believe he had to do this everyday for an entire month; there wasn't any option to cancel the contract either. There were several tempting males, if Seokjin had to be honest, and he could feel his member getting a little twitchy down there but he could not seem to press on the select option.

His thumb paused. Seokjin gulp involuntarily at the picture of V staring into his soul with his dark, sensual gaze. He exhaled a breathy sigh. He failed to imagine anyone being better than the man who had pounded so deep into him the previous night.

Sucking on his bottom lip, Seokjin's thumb hovered over the select icon. Without much thought, Seokjin brought his thumb down.

A jeering chuckle resonated through the room. Seokjin reached out to his bedside table to get the small snowglobe. He stared at it, at his twisted reflection in pity. He laughed again, a little louder than before, his voice devoid of mirth and tinted with a little madness. His lips curved downwards slowly and the snowglobe dropped on the matress. Seokjin covered his face with his hands, elbows propped on his knees, and let his palms feel the warmth of tears.


Seokjin tapped his foot on the rugged floor in anticipation. It was exactly ten minutes to when V would arrive. This time, he got the condoms and lube ready on the bedside table to avoid awkward circumstances. He resolved to hold himself togther that night; he could not afford to cry infront of V for the second time.

The night sky was covered in clouds that veiled the constellations and the moon. Seokjin was not particularly a star-gazer but he did not appreciate the clouds either. He leaned closer towards the windowsil to peek down as he heard the rumbling of a car engine.

His eyes widened and his heart dropped.

The guards opened the pair of tall, dark gates, letting the familiar sleek, white vehicle enter the premises. Seokjin held his breath as a chaffeur rushed outside the mansion and opened the door of the car for Seokjin's parents.

Seokjin wanted to jump out of the window.

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