Twins and a Wonderful Present!

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Chapter 1

Reader's POV

"Craig?" I giggled, hands over his as he leads me to our secret date spot. He wanted everything to be a surprise as it was also a place that he kept secret from everyone, well, he said people go to it all the time but he made sure that no one was able to see him constantly going there. His hands were securely placed over my eyes with out any gaps and so I couldn't sneak cheeky peeks to get an idea of where he was taking me.

"Relax my sweet cherry," I couldn't help but blush at his statement as he still used the nickname he called me by when we played the Love Game, "we're almost there." I smiled, inwardly sighing in relief, knowing that all of this was soon coming to an end. This is oddly classic yet romantic but I just can't help but worry about what's happening outside my enclosed vision. I had picked up and lost several sounds as well as chatter; I assume that we were walking upon the pavements beside the road where several cars passed by, along with the people that strolled the sidewalks. The air was clear of any scent and was quite cold (I could clearly imagine the huffs that I exhaled) it was also quite a moist atmosphere. I could feel the soft, chilling tingling-ness of the snow that landed upon my face and uncovered hands (after spending only several minutes outside, I had started to regret not bothering to put gloves on - I was too excited for the date I had with Craig!).

All these elements, taken in from my other senses that I had left to use, eventually disappear when I heard the pushing creaks of a door opening (and then closing) as Craig gently urged me forward, into the comfort of a building unknown to me. I was suddenly enveloped within comforting warmth and my cold, numb fingers started to tingle, obviously detecting the sudden change into more welcoming temperatures.

"Alright, we're here. Ready Princess?" his smooth voice asked as you squealed in excitement to have him softly chuckle before he took his hands away, giving me my sight back. There were faint noises that I couldn't fully recognise in the background and so I was eager to snap my eyes open and discover what they were, along with the strange yet humidly warm smell that lingered in the air around me. Groaning, I immediately regretted the fact that I didn't bother about the sudden light that would sting my eyes. After blinking several times, I finally adjusted to the new lighting; my eyes widening at as I grew a wide grin and squealed at the adorableness before me.

Eyes darting around the room, I saw dogs, cats, fish, guinea pigs, hamsters, bunnies, rabbits, lizards and birds that aged from the young to the elderly.

"Oh Craig!" I awed as he wrapped his arms around me from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"You like this date spot?" he asked, kissing my neck, his warm cool, minty breath fanning my skin, allowing a warm glow to dust my cheeks.

"Like it? It's filled with so much adorableness!: I reasoned, turing in his arms and hug him tightly around his torso, "I love it!" he gave me a soft squeeze as my head rested on his chest before a question rose up in my head. Pulling away to look him in the eyes but still be in the embrace, I let the question slip out of my parted lips. "But, um, why did you choose to come here? I mean there must be more to come then just looking around and cooing at the animals..." he smiled. Oh! I love his smile, especially because it's just for me and nobody else, meaning he only smiles around me! He makes me feel so special!

"I'm glad you asked, my sweet, cherry Princess," I blushed softly, he's given me new nickname, 'Princess' and sometimes mixes it with his old nickname for me, 'Cherry', "follow me..." taking my hand in his bigger one, he lead me over to a section of the shop that held to micro animals (guinea-pigs, hamsters, mice etc). I happily took this chance to coo at the animals we pass: the doffs eagerly barked back, tails waggling with their tongues sticking out; the cats meowed delightfully, tails elegantly waving back at me, their eyes shining; rabbits and bunnies enthusiastically hopped about, fluffy tails twitching at the very slightest; birds flapped their wings, squawking and chirping; lizards hissed their tongues out at me as the fish blew bubbles, swimming, as far as they could, after me. Giggling, I was suddenly stopped in my tracks and found myself looking at small balls of varied coloured fur that uncurled into cut hamsters. My heart melted at their cuteness. Pink, petite noses sniffing at the air, winkling eyes moving about with their small heads that attitude itself to the body without a new - they could have one and it's just covered with fur - small, fragile hands and feet poking out of their soft fur. I couldn't help but awe at their unbelievable adorableness. "Pick one..."

Craig x Reader - Love's Heartless Game - SequelWhere stories live. Discover now