Our Game of Pride. Our Loss for Love

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Hey all you wonderful readers and writers! 

I'm sorry my updates are taking ages. I'm a really unorganised person but I'm cleaning things up and am actually making schedules of how I'm going to go about my day in order for me to update my stories quicker. Again I'm terribly sorry about the major delays. I hope you can forgive me. 

With Love,



Reader's POV

Today was a school day, I didn't really mind that it was because I got to be with Craig. It's always been quite boring going to school every week day before Craig and I became an item but now that we are, I'm always looking forward to getting to see him every single day. I'd make sure to look my best always, just for him. With the times that have past since the we became a couple, I've noticed that Craig slightly blushes if I wear anything animal based. No, not fur coats or anything, no, that's just too cruel. What I mean are clothes that have cute cartoon animal prints or hoodies with cat ears or bunny ears. It makes me stand out but its worth it since I get cute, stuttering compliments accompanied with slightly flushed cheeks. Yup, it was so worth it. A giggle escaped me just thinking about it.

Looking out of the window, I could tell that it was the perfect weather for wearing the new kitty hoodie I bought last week. I was window shopping at the mall by myself as a little reward since I was buying groceries and mum gave me extra allowance to spend for myself since I generously offered to spend my time going to the stores in order to stock up on food and such at home. I'd already done it several times in the past so I think that mum thought it was finally time to reward me. When I passed by this really cute Japanese cosplay store that had newly opened up a month ago, my eyes instantly caught the black cat hoodie and immediately grew the desire to buy it. Small, black cat ears poked out at the top of the hood as a face of a cute cat was printed at the front of the hoodie. The ends of the sleeves reached to cover my palms which I was quite upset about at first, until I realised there was a hole made for your thumb and there was a cat paw print when you turned your hand to look at your covered palm. I just had to have it! It was really comfortable too, keeping you warm as there was harmless fur that was inside the hoodie making it thicker and more appropriate for chilly weather.

When opening the window, a breeze blew its icy cold breath upon my face, sending chills down my spine. My expression didn't sulk down to look glum but I brightened up because I could finally get a cute, stuttering, blushing compliment out of the stoic dark haired teen that I was so proud of calling my boyfriend. Slipping on a tight, thick (random/fav colour) tank and thin, slightly see through white shirt over, I cuddled up into my hoodie and pulled on some dark skinny jeans and plain yet good looking (trainers/Jordans/star converses/vans/whatever 'ish' you guys like as footwear).

"I'll be going now mum!" I shouted as I walked out the door, hearing her wish me a good day, which I returned, before closing the door and walking over to the school bus stop with a slight skip in my step.

"(Y/N)! Over here!" gazing up at the speaker, I smiled and waved, jogging over.

"Good morning Clyde!"

"You too!" he replied, looking me up and down before smirking, "Trying to look cute for Craig I see~" he teased as I blushed, playfully hitting his arm.

"Oh shush!" I giggled.

"I'm onto your little game of dressing up with his weakness."

"Whaaat?~" I mused innocently, averting my vision all over the place other then the brunette's stare before me only to have him laugh at me.

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