Wisdom Teeth

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Today is the day that I am getting my wisdom teeth taken out. I am so beyond nervous and I don't want to get them out but my mouth is in so much pain that I have to do it even though I don't want to.

I was in a deep sleep when I felt someone shaking me awake. I opened my eyes and I saw Levi standing next to me with a smile on his face.

Levi- Hey love, it's time to wake up for your appointment.

Y/N- Mmm, 5 more minutes.

Levi- No you're getting up now.

Next thing I know is he yanked the blankets off of me and it got freezing in here!

Y/N- Fine I'm up, I'm up.

I got out of bed and then got ready for my appointment. I wore some comfy clothes so nothing was tight.

*Time Skip*

We were on our way to the dentist and I was beyond nervous. Everyone was in the car and Calvin was driving. Levi sat next to me and he could tell I was nervous because I kept picking at my fingers.

Levi- Hey, it's going to be okay. Once it's done, it's done. I will be here for you no matter what.

I looked at him and smiled. We then arrived at the dentist and I was scared now.

We then walked into the office and I sat down with everyone while Levi checked me in cause I was too scared to talk.

*Skip 5 minutes*

After 5 minutes had passed, I was called into the back room and got up from my seat, and walked to the room.

Doctor- Everything will be okay Y/N, it'll be over before you know it.

I nodded my head. He then gave me a gas mask and I put it over my nose. I felt myself become very sleepy and the next thing I know I was out.

*Time Skip*

I start waking up from the medicine wearing off and the room is bright and blurry. I blink a couple of times and the room is no longer blurry.

Doctor- Already Y/N, you are all done.

He then removed my mask and set it down, Everything was a blur.

Doctor- Let's get you to your friends then you are good to go.

He helped me up and helped me to my friends. We then left the dentist's room and went to the waiting room.

Doctor- Alright she is all done. Make sure you change out the gauze whenever she eats. Soft food only for now, and plenty of water.

Levi- Aright thank you.

Levi then came over and took my hand and led me to the car while the others dealt with the checkout stuff. Levi helped me into the car. He buckled me in and was about to close the door when I said...

Y/N- No don weav.

I was about to cry.

Levi - I'm not leaving, I'm just going to the other side so I can sit by you.

Y/N- Ohhh okay haha.

Levi chuckled and closed the door and came around and sat next to me.

Levi - I love you princess.

Y/N- I wove you toooooo.

The others came out and we went to the base and I laid down on a mat cause I was exhausted.

Levi - Alright baby, let's change out your gauze before you fall asleep.

I opened my mouth and when he reached in, I bit him.

Levi - Ow! No biting that's not nice!

Y/N- Haha.

He got the gauze and changed it out with new ones.

Levi - Alright, you can go to bed now my love.

He came down and kissed me on the forehead.

Levi - I love you princess.

I smiled because I couldn't really talk that much cause it hurt.

He gave me a stuffed animal and I snuggled with it and he tucked me in so I was nice and warm.

He then left and turned the lights off and I was outlike a light.

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