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We were in battle with a very strong monster and he just wouldn't get any weaker. Its like he just kept getting stronger with every attack that we keep hitting him with.

Me and Levi were fighting and next thing I know is that the monster blasted me and I ended up flying backwards hitting my back on a cement wall. I look up and see the monster almost ending Levi's life. He was laying on the ground not moving. The monster teleported away and I crawled over to Levi .

"Levi. Baby. Look at me."

He slowly turns his head and looks at me with me really tired eyes.

"Im. Really. Tired."

"Levi stay awake please."


"Yes, Levi?"


Next thing I know is that I am being shaken wake and I open my eyes and I see Levi wide awake. I spring out of my bed and hold him so tight.

"Y/N, sweetheart what's wrong?"

"I thought I lost you."

"What do you mean? I'm right here."

"I know, but it all looked so real."

"Love, you had a nightmare."

"I was really scared."

"How about we go get some snacks and we can cuddle, how does that sound?"

"That sounds great."

"I love you so much Y/N."

"I love you to."

We then went to the kitchen and got some snacks then went to his room and went to his bed and cuddled. 

Levi Weston ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now