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Five days since I've seen her. I have no idea where she is. No one is picking up their phone. Even my dad is worried, I know my mum would be too. If she was still here. They loved Tilly like she was their own daughter.

I hopped into my car and drove to her house. I knocked twice. No answer. I sighed with frustration. I had one last option, her friends. First I decided to go to her best friends house. Tilly's best friend Delia knows everything about Tilly. They tell each other everything. I swear they know each others blood type.

I knocked on Delia's door with my fingers crossed and my cigarette in my other hand.

"Hello?" Delia opened the door.

"Hi Delia," I said. "Do you know where Tilly is?"

"Tony she's eighteen, she can look after herself." Delia rolled her eyes. "And can you put that bloody cigarette out?"

"Fine," I muttered. "I haven't seen Tilly for five days! Where is she?"

"It's your own fault," she mumbled.

"What?" I snapped, losing my temper.

"If it wasn't for you it wouldn't have got worse!" Delia was crying now, a waterfall of tears rolling down her cheeks. "She would be okay, maybe getting better! But no, you didn't listen to her!"

I paused and lowered my gaze. "Please please tell me Delia," I said softly.

She wiped her cheeks and said; "you know she had lung cancer the whole time."

"And now, she might be dead."


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