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The kind doctor was using my phone to call Tony, it went straight to his voicemail. As we were about to give up someone slammed open the door.

"Where's Tilly?" A young man with borns hair and chocolate brown eyes demanded.


A petite girl with blonde hair walked in behind him.


"Here," I croaked.

"Tilly!" He yelled, running over to me. "I'm so sorry, I had no idea, this is all my fault."

I shook my head. I struggled to talk but I asked for Delia.

"Hey Tilly, hang in there little girl," she whispered. She always called me her little girl.

"Tell him," I rasped.

Delia told Tony the story of how I originally got lung cancer while the doctors and surgeons hurried around me desperately trying to keep my heart beating. Delia told him how when I was thirteen there was a house fire at an orphanage.

At the orphanage thee were still two children inside. I ran inside the orphanage without thinking and put my hat and scarf over the two kids mouths so they wouldn't breathe in the smoke. But I did. I carried them out and saved their lives. The day after I was diagnosed with severe lung cancer.

At the end of the story Tony started crying. He bent over and kissed me.

"Goodbye Tony," I whispered as the lights faded.

"Don't go Tilly!" He screamed. "You can get through this."

"Give up smoking Tony, for the others like me, do it for me. I love you."

"I'll love you forever," a tear dropped on my cheek and my heart beat once and then stopped.

I was gone.


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