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Luca's POV
it was another fucking day,being a right hand man really took a lot out of you most days,which was every fucking day,especially if you worked for Ercole. i hated him more then ever,i may love killing things and people but with him,hell no

i walked in,and saw him waiting there for me. "ah! Luca welcome in this morning" He greeted me with that same bastardly smile like always. i clenched my hands into fists behind my back,holding back the feeling of wanting go punch him in the face. "good morning boss" i say with a fake ass smile. with his smile growing wider.

i knew there was a new target he was waiting to show me and tell me about. i roll my eyes. "new target?" i ask "yes! of course" he says,finally cutting to the point.

'fucking bitch' i thought. he brung me over to his desk and logged in for today. he opened the file 'targets' i read. i rolled my eyes while he wasn't looking 'why can't he be my target? i want this bastard dead' i thought once again. he moved his mouse from last nights saved file 'Alberto scorfano' i read the title. i guessed it would be another slutty boy i have to murder and succeed with.

he pulls up everything about the man

alberto scorfano
curly brown hair

and so on. i read more and more and started blushing. he looked like a fucking dream. i shook off the thought of him but he just looked so good. the curly hair,smile,everything about him looked so damn good..

"this is your target. you have two weeks to murder him or a consequence is coming your way." Ercole said in a threatening tone. i nodded and walked away before he grabbed my shoulder "and so help me Luca Paguro,i will make sure you see another day" He whispers in my ear. i nod once again 'this fucking bitch' i think 'fucking threatening me.' i didn't wanna kill him since he was fucking cute. but still,i rather live,which Ercole will not be soon..

Albertos POV
being a right hand man fucking sucked- i wasn't ready to go today. i had another Target every fucking week which was so damn ridiculous i wanted to quit,but i did continue for some odd reason. i walked in and saw my boss looking at me and waiting. "Ah! scorfano! welcome in" he said with a bastardly smile he had on his face every fucking morning. i always wished he was dead.

"good morning boss" i say with a fake smile." god i wish i was dead by that point. i soon remembered it was monday. 'a new fucking target. goddammit' i thought. i didn't wanna do this but i assumed he was slutty like all the others were. so i just went with it. my boss led me to his desk and logged in for today. he clicked on the file

'targets' the title read. i rolled my eyes. this bitch i swear to god. he clicked on last nights save file. 'Luca paguro' i read the title. i scoffed. i didn't care about this and read about him

Luca paguro
brown hair with curl

and so on. i saw the photo of the boy i immediately smiled. HE was MY target?! he should be my boyfriend if i was honest "you have two weeks to kill this man or you will have one or many consequences coming your way. got it Scorfano?" he tells me. i nod slowly and attempt to walk out before the bitch grabbed my arm and pulled me back

"if you fail this time scorfano,you will not see another day" he whispers. i nod once again. threatening me that he'll kill me?! i will make sure paguro is my boyfriend if it kills me. because when i do,i'm leaving this hell hole and killing my boss. i won't see another day?! yeah yeah we'll see..

i'm so glad i'm starting this! i really wanted to make one of these! ily all sm and there won't be parts every day until i finish "My roommate" which will be finished soon! ilysm and byee!

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