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Alberto's POV
i woke up with Luca in my arms,still asleep. it felt odd and i wasn't sure exactly why. we do this all the time. is it because we're lovers? is it because he likes me? i wasn't sure so i tried to fall back asleep until Luca woke up,smiling. i smiled back. i couldn't believe we were starting the killing a day early. i felt sick until that night. i didn't like doing this since i wasn't used to killing grown ass men. but i was doing this for Luca's sake.

I got up and helped Luca up. we walked down stairs together explaining the plan for tonight. "Luca,are you sure you wanna do this tonight? i feel like we should. wait till at least tomorrow" I say nervously. "Alberto please,i wanna be free from this hell sooner or later and thats final" he replies. god he was so damn needy off of work it kinda pisses me off. i roll my eyes. "fine" i saw rushing down stairs without Luca

"are you really that pissed off?!" he shouts. i stop and turn around "just shut up or i'll let you starve!" i say. Luca stood still,pale as a ghost..

Luca's POV
he shouted at me. i didn't like what he said so i stood there pale as a ghost. i blinked my eyes to get the tears away. i didn't wanna cry for the dumbest reason like i always do.

i just look down and walk away, "fine. i rather do that then help me or you to get out of this mess" i day before walking off. i walk into our room and sit on the bed. i put my knees up to my chest and put my arms around them

i sat there looking out the window for about an hour before Alberto comes in. he has the food he made and put it on the bed. "i'm sorry amore mio,i didn't mean to say that it just came out. i'm sorry" he explains,before he leave he kisses me on the cheek and walks out

i felt bad for running off until i heard a voice out the window. "oh Luca,i guess someone's boyfriend is treating him like shit huh?" i heard the voice say and i look out the window. it was Ercole. 'why does this goddamn idiot keep the window open?!' i thought. i sat there and talked to Ercole until he brought up the plan

"so,ready for tomorrow night?" he asks me. "yes. but i can do it tonight so give me until 12am and he's gone." i say. i didn't Know Alberto was listening from the other side of the door. Luckily,he understood the meaning and knew it was part of the plan,but Ercole of course didn't understand the plan and actually thought i was going to kill Alberto

of course i wouldn't! i love him! I'm glad Ercole will be gone soon,very very soon..

the end will be tomorrow or later. possibly tomorrow or friday since i'm tired AF and i have fucking school soo yeah- byee!

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