O my - It's you Again !! ( also on hold)

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I looked at myself in the mirror i have grown in the past three years i was away for Uni. My long black hair rested down my back. I had the hour glass figure which i took from my mom. i looked out the window and down the street. I came back home thinking everything would be the same boy was i wrong.

I went downstairs and into the kitchen " Hay honey how was your sleep ? " my mom asked cooking food which made my mouth water right now.

" Good Mom. the place seem's diffrent dose Nick still live here ? " i asked my mom. Nick was my best friend in highschool he was always by my side when i needed him ( when the stupid popular kids gave me mouth ) .

" Honey you just came back yesterday aren't you gonna spend the day with your family ? " My mom pouted

" Yeah i am i just want to know if he is still here " i said smiling .

" Darling. He moved he has a house up town somewhere the boy has done good for himself he has his own business and everything....Shame though i thought you two would always end up together. "

" MoM! " I groaned she was always like this even when me and Nick were younger.

"Anyway his parents still live here. Oh and you got a letter here today it came when you were asleep. " My mom rabbled she always did this when she didn't see me for awhile ( or more like three years )

But i didn't blame her. " Where is the letter, "

" On the table. I think it has somthing to do with that job you applied for before you came back from calafornia "

I ran over to the table and prayed that they even considered to take an interview. I ripped the envlope apart

i skimmed through the letter and read the bottom.

"Oh god. Mom i have an interview tommorw " i screamed

"Isn't that a good thing. You always liked architecture " Mom cupped a hand around her hip.

" Yeah it is. But i have it tommorw i just arrived yesterday i'm not even perpared for it "

I boltted up the stairs " Mom we will hang out tommorw . I need to get ready for my interview!! " i shouted over my shoulder.


I sat at there waiting in the waiting room.I couldn't help but feel nervous i've always wanted to have this future and to it may come true and it may not.

The door opened and the lady held it open for me " Miss O' Donnal. Mr kenn would like to see you now . "

I smiled at her and stood up and walked in i sat down infront of the man and waited.

" Roxy is it ? " He asked " Yes sir " I answered feeling too nervous to talk.

" I have looked over your file you sent in and i have to say this company could use someone like you . Which is why i have desided you will work here from now on but i won't be your boss my son will be. So thankyou for coming and i will be glad to see your work in action. "

He said standing up and shaking my hand i couldn't help but smile fome ear to ear " Thank you Mr Kenn " i shook his hand

" I will have someone show you your office " He said opening the door and calling someone over.

" Tommo i want you to show Roxy her office and show her around the building today since she is starting work tommorow . " He said to boy who had sandy blond hair and looked quite nice in his grey suit ."

" Will do " the boy replied

We walked down a long hall when the boy spoke to me. " I feel sorry for you "

" And why is that " I asked looking at him

" Well we all knew there was going to be someone new and there boss was going to Ash. And let's just say he isn't someone you would call nice " He said giving me a sad smile.

" Well i have wanted this job ever since i was a kid so kind boss or not kind i ready to take it on " i said feeling confident.

" Well good luck. I'll have you back since i'm across you " he said opening a door for me .

I walked in and looked around the office was nice i always imagined myself working in a place like this.

" Welcome to your office " Tommo said leaning against the door.

" Thanks " i said turning around to face him

" Oh i almost forgot Ash want's to meet you before you start work " He said standing straight

" Oh.. Ok "

We walkes down a long hall and stoped at a door " Ok here you are i'll see you later " He said disapearing off .

" Thamks " i muttered. I blew out a long breath i knocked on the door twice.

"Come in ! " someone shouted from the inside.

I went in and got the shock of my life ASHTON! my mind screamed . i stood there frozen .

" Ruby " He said wide eyed. What do i do ? i screamed at myself. " It's Roxy " i replied i changed my name from the day i left high school it was sort of an accident but i desided to keep it.

O my - It's you Again !! (Editing )Where stories live. Discover now