chapter - 8 Oh god no

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here is the next chapter and to all my readers and fan's

Love yaxxx***********************************************************************************************************************************************

Chapter 8


" Take me home now!! " i half shouted angre boiling through me " Look i'm really sorry i had to do this but i promice i take you home right after.

"You made me think it was a bussiness thing "

" I know...... But you are really stuborn " he said with a shurg

" Why not take your real girlfriend ? " i said between gritted teeth " I don't have one " he shurgged again

" Hard to believe " i said throwing my arms in the air " Listen Ruby i have changed i'm not the same person you used to know . "

"Again hard to believe " I said looking out the window got i can't believe this night.

I sat there in a huff all the way if i'm right the ride was two hours long i had to fight with myself so i didn't fall a sleep we pulled into a stop i looked out the window and stopped playing with my phone. The house looked ten times my house and believe me that's big.

Ashton opened the door for me which suprised me because i didn' hear him even get out. I stepped out the car with the cold wind hitting my face we went up a couple of step's i had to hold my dress up because it was so long Ashton rang the bell and we waited.

"Remembre your my girlfriend " he whispered into my ear wrapping is ( strong ) arm around my waist. " No kidding " i muttered as the door flew opened.

" Ashton dear i have waited to meet you all day " A old but pretty women said clasping her hands and giving a smile so wide i smiled my self. " Me too... Granma " he said holding me tighter which nearly made me cry out for air.

"What did i tell you about calling me granma- " she slapped his arm "Anyway who is this beautifull younge women ? " she said smiling at me. " Gran- i mean Wendy this is my girlfriend Ruby " i almost slapped him for calling me Ruby.

"Oh how nice it is to see younge love " she wishes " Anyway darling call me Wendy and don't let me keep you standing in the cold . " she moved out the side giving us space to step in. We went in and i looked around.

I can't believe he called this a little get together it morely looked like half the town was here. " You said this was a little get together ? " i shouted over the music.

"This is what my granma calls a little get together. " he whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine he still had is arm wrapped around me he walked me over to a group of people.

" Hay guy's miss me ? " he called out the people turned around and i had to say i couldn't keep my eye's off some of the boy's it's like they all fell from heaven there smile's got wider when there eye's fell on me.

" Who is your friend Ash ? " a blond girl i never saw asked walking closer than needed. " This is - " Ashton began when i cut him off.

" Roxy " i smiled " Nice to meet to you... I'm Nate " The boy who had a very buff body that showed through his suit he had black hair and nice hazel eyes. " Nice to meet you " i smiled he was so hot ( focus girl )

" This is Lauren, Chase , Matt , Chris and Nate who you already Know " Ashton said pointing to everyone who was surrounding us. They all gave welcoming smiles except Lauren i wondered what was up with that.

" Want a drink ? " Nate asked smiling down at me " Yeah thank " i said twisting out Ashton's grip and followed Nate through the crowd. Can you believe the house had it's own bar i mean i always see them in film but now here i was i smiled to myself.

"What's funny ? " Nate asked looking down at me i looked up at him and nearly lost myself in his eye's

" Nothing " i lied " What would you like ? " he asked when we got there " Eh.... nothing " i said sitting down and looking at the people dancing. " I thought you wanted a drink ? " he laughed.

" No... I just needed an excuse to get out there " i said the truth shurgging. " Well you are somthing with the good look's too . " i chuckled i looked at him and smiled " So are you with Ashton ? " he asked sitting next to me.

"Well no.............yes " i said groaning out loud

" That's not an answere " he said giving all attention which made me nervouse

" Yes " i muttered " Strange " he said nodding and smiling from ear to ear.

" I agree " i said under my breath. " So you his friend ? " I asked looking at him "No i'm his half brother " he shurgged my eye's went wide he had to be kidding.

" You have to be kidding ? "

" No...........But i can see why you said that i'm obviously the hotter brother " he winked which made me laugh all though i didn't like Ashton i can't lie about his good looks.

"So you agree? " he smiled. "Don't push it " i said giving his arm a playful push.

" Nate do you mind if we have a girl to girl time? " Lauren walked over having a fake act on which Nate fell for. " Sure...... It was nice meeting you Roxy " he smiled at me before he got up and walked away. I felt like crying out to him and asking him to stay.

"So......" she said sitting down were Nate was with all the sweetness gone. I looked at her waiting for her to finish the the sentence she trailed off.

"Are you seeing Ash ? " god i hated this question i felt like being sick when i answered. " Yes "

"You know he was mine first and he always comes back to me " god i hoped he did " And your point is? "

"Listen bitch i know your after his money so stay away from him " she said in a warning voice i can't believe this she was acting like the high- school cheerleader's i hated with my life.

" Don't bitch me.... Now until he come's crawling back to you get the fuck out my face " i hissed at her getting annoyed . she looked at me longer and huffed and walked away pushing people out her way.

It was three hours later i sat with Ashton and his friends looking like i would have perfered death than sitting here and listening to Lauren speak none stop. " Are you ok ? " Nate whispered into my ear i could feel Ashton's gaze on me from the other side.

"Yeah fine " I lied i was feeling sleepy alright. He nodded and smiled.We sat there for another half another hour with Nate and Ashton asking if i was fine. Finally i saw people clearing out " Do you want to go home? " Ashton asked i nearly cried with joy.

"Yeah " i said the joy obvious in my voice. He stood up helping me aswell.

"Bye guy's " i said making eye contact with everyone but Lauren the all said bye's and waved i had to say i got on with all of them they wern't bad at all.

We walked to Ashton's car and got in " Finally " i breathed " You never were the party person " he said like he new well. I looked at him and then out the window i closed my eye's the ride back was gonna be two hours so sleeping for a little wasn't gonna hurt.


I my eye's fluttered opened i was confortable in strong arm's it felt right the bed was warm i smiled i moved a bit the arm's tightened around me i turned around and came face to face with Ashton.

"Arghhhhhh" i screamed falling off the bed.

this had to be a bad nightmare...........................

O my - It's you Again !! (Editing )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora