Off to Paris..

740 37 18
  • Dedicated to blue11

sorry this took so longxoxox

oh and if there are any mistakes sorry the laptop isn't mine x

And anyone who is reading this and liking it LOVE YOUX



I walked into the lift up on my way to Mr Kenning's office. He asked to see me and i had know idea why so you could kinda see why i was feeling nervous. I walked out the lift when ireached the top floor. I fixed my skirt and took a deep breath knocking the door.

"Come in! " I did as i was told and walked i was suprised to see the only person i was avoiding all month sitting across his father. Ashton

"Come take a seat  Roxy " I took the seat next to Ash not looking at him as he was looking at me "Roxy i want you to go on a buisness trip " i smiled why was i so nervous again?

"Where am i going sir? " i asked  "You and Ash will make a good team in Pairs " hell no! Did he just say me and Ash, cause this isn't gonna happen. Tommo has been going on about this trip from the time i started working here and with him who has worked longern and harder than me he should be the one to go.

"Sir......i can't go " i rushed holding in my breath  "Why Roxy.....I picked you myself i think you would be good for this job. You did good last time " oh why is he making this harder??

"I know sir but.....Tommo has worked longer and harder than me.....And i think he should get the chance to go not me " wow i did better than i thought i would and my voice didn't fail me.

"That's understandable.....but i have other thing for him and i think he would like that better than this are you gonna take this option up? " Crap! he has me now  "I guess yeah then... " i trailed off ignoring the smirk that was playing on Ash's lips.

"Well then it is ready by tonight you are leaving tommorow morning " I stood up and left his office in a daze he couldn't think of telling us a little earlier?

I got into the lift feeling a little sick "It's gonna be might want to get somthing to eat you look like you are gonna be ready to be sick " Ash shurgged standing next to me.

I didn't bother answering i had alot of calls to make when i get home today. And knowing my mom she is probely gonna keep me on the phone for an hour or so.

I got off the lift and speed walked over to my office, to reach my phone ringing i looked at the caller smiling abit and picked up.

me- Hello?

Nate- Hay Ruby. What are you doing?

me- You know just work.

Nate- Well can i take you out for dinner when you finish?

me- Well about that....I am actually i can't because i have alot of packing to do.

Nate- Where are you going?

me- Paris.

Nate-Why didn't you tell me earlier i had somthing for you this weekend?

me- I just found out today.

Nate-Fine. Miss you i need to go.

me- Fine. Miss you toox

I hung up turning around in my chair only to have my heart jump a beat  "So you and Nate must be real close now? " Ash asked leaning against the door his jaw in a tight line.

"I guess so " i shurgged not looking him in the eye. He chuckled to himself shaking his head before leaving and walking away with a simle.

I hated when he did that it was like he knew somthing i didn't. Tommo came into my office with th biggest grin i have ever seen. "Guess what? " he squealed like a girl making me laugh.

"What.Tommo darling? " i teased standing up and walking around my desk sitting on it. "You are looking at the new boss of the Kenning's in Australia " My mouth fell open as i looked at him wide eyed.

"I know i was like that when Mr kenning toldd me "

"Arghhhh.....congratulation " I squealed jumping off the desk and hugging him with all my power. When i realized somthing.

"Hay but that mean's you will have to leave " i let him go looking him in the eye "I peomise i will come and vist....please don't cry " he wiped me cheek. I didn't know i was crying until he said.  "But your the only one who i am friend's with here " i sobbed not being able to stop.

He hugged me tight "You'll make friends....who wouldn't want to be friends with you anyway " yeah who wouldn't? Ha let me tell you who wouldn't. All the female's who work here and think i slept my through Ash oh and i am the only one who get's special treatment.

"Yeah i hope so " i muttered. I wiped my eyes and fixed myself i probely had panda eyes but oh well i am gonna miss Tommo if it weren't for him i don't think i would even be here.

"Thank you. Tommo " i sadly smiled up at him "What for? "  he asked looking confused  "For being my freind and everything else "

"Hay i think i am the one to be saying that to you....When you started working here you changed everything i mean you even changed my ass of a cousin into a better person. " tears's slipped myeyes again it felt like we were saying good-bye to eachother.

"When are you leaving? " 

"Next week......and when were you planing on telling me you are going on that Paris trip? " oh that "Yeah well i just found out and i thought you wanted to go " i shurgged

"Well i am glad you got it.........And Mr Kenning told me how you wanted to give it up for me and how i am lucky to have you as friend......." he smiled like a five year old.

"Same here " i said in a duh tone making us both fall into a fit of laughter. "Promise you are gonna call me ? " i said in a voice full of warning.

"That's a deal i am willing to make " 

We sat there talking and laughing for hours, Tommo left both of us realizing how late it got. I packed up my stuff and left having one last look at my office which i won't see for the next weeks to come.

Ash's P.O.V (hope you like this )

I drove down to Nate to pick up the papper work my dad sent me. I swear the boy could be so annoying it could kill you. He live's ten minutes away from my dad and i get sent because he his to lazy to tak it over.

But i knew the real reason i was angry at him wasn't because he couldn't be bothered to take over a couple of file's but he had somthing i have wanted since the day i set eye's on it. Ruby

It was back in school when i first met her. I was walking down the hall's when she walked into me, she was the prettiest girl to walk down those hall's who never gave me a second glance.

I tried everything to get her to like me, it never worked so that's when i began picking on her only to have her hate me more. So when i gave up it was too late because everyone knew she was an easy target and thats when things turned into hell for. Only if i could go back in time.

Two or three years after i started forgetting about the girl i truly loved comes back into my life only to start having her going out with the one of my cousin's oh and who by the way is the biggest player i know. He even put's me to shame.

I got out my car putting my key's in my pocket and jogging up the little steps. I was about to ring the bell when the door slowly opened. I peacked my head in and called out Nate's name.

"Nate! " i went in and looked around. I swear to god the guy could use with a brain who leaves there door open when they are as rich as him.

I went up the stairs and stoped when i heard noises "Oh Nate, oh my god " a girl begged.

I walked toward's his room opening the door anger running through my vains only to have my mouth fall open.

He was cheating on Ruby with her..................................!...................

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2011 ⏰

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