Chapter 1

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-Klaus' POV-

What is going on? How did I end up here in the first place?

I did not plan to stumble upon Elena Gilbert of all people. I know that she was turned into an original shortly after my mother passed. I did not bother interacting with her ever since. I was just in Mystic Falls because my poor sister asked for me to stay. She wanted me to promise.

I lose nothing from this as I am waiting for Katherine to come back and doppelgangers seem to be common in Mystic Falls. Two in the same place? A third one wasn't too bad to hope for.

At least it was as good of an excuse as any.

Her screams fill the cellar room in my mansion. She's tied to the chains on the floor but still able to move and crouch without being bound to stay in one place. I can't help but feel pity and confusion both at once. I don't get it. She wasn't a werewolf, the gilbert family had no traces of werewolves in their bloodline. Why is she turning?

"Caroline, would you please, shut up!" She yelled, lower than her voice has ever been, in the direction of the scared Caroline who's standing by the door with her arms crossed and tears in her eyes. "You yelling at me is not going to make me relax, at all." She took a deep breath, seeing that Caroline had flinched when she raised her voice. "I'm sore- ahhh..!" She fell on her knees once again and cried out in pain.

Caroline walked in her direction but she pulled away. "Elena?"

"Caroline, I don't want to hurt you. Please, please, just go away..." and it seemed like she didn't hesitate to compel Caroline without a moment's notice. "You can't be here. It's not safe for you. I asked you to stay, you couldn't."

Caroline stares at Elena's eyes while she says those words and it's amazing how she manages to not react to the pain of her bones visibly breaking while she says that.

As compulsion usually works, Caroline gets up and looks at Elena. "Sorry Elena, I have to go, it's not safe for me here." She, without a second thought, walks out of the door after locking it. She might know she's being compelled but she couldn't do anything about it if she did.

She continued to shift at a very slow rate, the moon not even being at its peak yet and I found myself just sitting against the wall with my arms crossed. "Should I go too?"

"No! You- you stay." She had these little puppy eyes and I felt really confused as to why I was feeling the way I was feeling about her right now. My heart fluttered. "Please..."

These feelings are stupid. This is stupid. Why is she here? Why is she turning right now??? Is this related to the little dreams I've been having about her? Maybe there's a witch out there trying to kill her right now and she's not really turning. I don't know. I don't know anything and I don't like that I don't know anything right now.

She hurls on the floor, not caring about her appearance or the fact that she's accidentally flashing me right now. Why the hell am I looking? Jesus...

"Alright, Elena, you're gonna have to get through all of this calmly, take a deep breath, and don't tense your muscles as much as you can. The calmer your body is, the easier it will be." I sit up and see that she's looking at me and giving me all the attention she can give me while all her bones are breaking.

I don't know why I am helping her; she's the reason why I can't achieve my goal of getting hybrids or why I'm stuck in this cellar with her in it while she seems to shift. I'd have to wait centuries to try and get hybrids of my own again until I find another doppelgänger. Hopefully one more naive next time.

"I've been trying- I have! That doesn't work." She cried a little and covered her face in frustration. "I can't- I can't do this." She sits on the ground, chained hands covering her face. "I don't get it. Why do I have to do this? Why am I shifting into a werewolf? It's unlucky enough I got turned into an original but now-" she pauses and her teary eyes look up at me. "That's it..." She stands and leans against a wall for support.

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