Their Findings (1/6)

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trigger warnings// graphic descriptions of violence, allusions to human trafficking, the likes

this is part of my 5+1

Foolish silently walks into the throne room, kneeling when he reaches the middle. "You called for me, Your Highness."

The Goddess of Death nods softly, "Recently there has been trouble stirring in one of the outerworlds, a few messengers have been sent to inspect but so far none have safely returned." She rubs her temples softly. "We suspect it is the Wither cult attempting to summon Á̸̺̝̾l̷̡͛͐a̶̛͙̾ş̶̰̇̕t̵̛̝ä̵͖̥́͝ị̵̫̅ṟ̸̹̓."

Foolish groans softly, "It is my understanding you wish for me to go and inspect the outerworld?"

Death nods, "You are my greatest warrior Foolish and I wouldn't trust anyone else with this job. Do not let me down. You are dismissed."

Foolish nods, "I won't let you down, Your Highness." He stands and begins making his way out of Death's throne room. The tall God praying his silent thanks to Death that her boyfriend is taller than him, meaning he doesn't have to duck through her doorway.


Foolish sighs quietly as he crouches on the roof of the temple, inside a large cult was preparing their sacrifice and he'd been tasked with stopping them. The Totem raises his head and sniffs the air softly, the strong smell of the approaching snowstorm filling his gills. He silently unhooks his khopesh from his belt and crawls towards the open area on the roof. Foolish carefully set his khopesh down, and grabbed his bow from his back. He watched in carefully contained horror as a group of people drug a hybrid from a small hatch in the floor. The hybrid had open wounds, and bruises scattered in various places around their body.

He took a deep breath, loading and drawing his bow back. He quickly aimed at the tallest priest's head and let the arrow fly clean, smirking when the priest's body dropped to the floor with a sickening thunk. In rapid succession Foolish loaded his bow and shot down another five priest's before tossing it to the side.

With an animalistic grin on his face, Foolish grabs his khopesh and launches himself at the priest directly under him, taking his head clean off in a single swipe. He swiftly ducks, growling softly when a large axe barely misses his fin. He grabs the nearest priest by the arm, quickly slicing it off. The God leaps to his feet and sprints towards the chained hybrid currently being drug away by a priest's assistant.

Foolish hooks his khopesh onto his belt, and grabs his battle axe with an animalistic snarl. The brunette takes the last few steps towards the assistant and swings his axe hard. He watches with an unhinged smile as the head rolled across the room. Foolish hisses in pain as someone slashes his arm with a blade. His hiss of pain quickly turns into a snarl as he twirls around, his battle axe already making itself a new home in one of the priest's chests.

The knocked out hybrid fell ungracefully to the floor, Foolish drops his axe and leaps forward successfully catching them. He laid them gently on the ground before grabbing his khopesh off his belt. The hybrid would have to wait. 


Foolish shakily stumbles to his feet, hooking his khopesh back onto his belt. He groans as he presses a hand gently against his abdomen, hissing softly when it quickly is soaked with golden ichor. The Totem God stumbles towards a nearby chest quickly beginning his search for a healing potion. He gasps in relief as he grabs a healing potion, downing it swiftly.

The Totem presses his hand back to his abdomen sighing in relief when he feels the wound had scarred over. A soft groan startles the totem from his injured stupor, and he silently sprints towards the groaning figure. He gently places his hand on them, "woah dude stay still you're still injured. Close your eyes and I'll bring you to a healing sanctuary."

A harsh wind ripped through the temple alerting the Totem to the quickly approaching snowstorm.

"I'm going to have to carry you unless you wish to be stuck here in the storm."

The injured hybrid nods gently, barely able to keep their eyes open. The Totem God bends down, gently lifting the hybrid over his shoulder in fireman's carry.

"Eret, Names Eret."

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