The Fall

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Trigger warning // major character death (non-permanent), blood, semi-graphic injury, derealization, non-con drug use (very brief, happens when Foolish leans against the tree) cliff diving into a lake where the depth is unknown. please let me know if I missed anything!

mon ange - my angel
alma gemela - soulmate

"Stay awake Eret, please for the love of Chaos keep your goddamn eyes open." The Totem God hurriedly rips his cloak off and presses it tightly against Eret's abdomen, "goddammit Wither keep your eyes on me." The wind blows gratingly at the duo's shadowy forms. The edge of the cliff stares dauntingly at Foolish's horror stricken face. The realization of their precarious predicament finally setting in the elder's head.

Foolish urgently whispers prayers to the Goddess of Death, as he holds the torn cloth against the younger's abdomen. Eret groans loudly in pain, attempting to tear Foolish's hands away from the source of pain. She whimpers when Foolish's shark tail softly smacks her hand away. "I know it hurts mi amor but you have to stay awake. Please for me, keep those beautiful eyes open, please." His soft pleading chants slowly quicken as the God grows more desperate.

Foolish cursed harshly under his breath, how did a simple scouting mission go so wrong? He cursed his luck as he swiftly dug through his bag trying to find his emergency beacon. Both his and Eret's com's were smashed during their fall from the cliff. Most times Foolish thanked Death for his healing properties, but it was times like this when he wished his more accident prone counterpart was the one with healing properties. He cursed affluently under his breath, not even hesitating to harshly wipe away the tears that threatened to clog his eyesight.

"Fuck Eret please stay awake."

Eret blinked, eyes spacey, "'m tired 'oolish, gon," he sucked in a quivering, "gon, take nap." Eret slowly laid her head back against the ground, taking one last slow breath, her chest stopped rising. The sickeningly soft thud of her hand hitting the snowy ground shocked Foolish out of his frozen stupor.

His breath hitched as his panicking eyes widened, this wasn't supposed to happen. He started a silent chant praying for someone, anyone to spare his friend of such a cruel, heartless, meaningless death. The minutes of praying slowly bleed into hours, unnoticed by the grieving Totem. As the hours passed the Totem's cries soften as he softly drifts to a dismal slumber.


Foolish looks around at the peaceful lake, a feeling of serenity washing over him. His eyes wash over the waveless water curiously, for something so dangerous its appearance was so inviting. He began approaching the water, as if in a trance. The water called to him, whispering for him to sink into the waveless depths. Come in. Join us. Everything you've ever desired awaits.

Foolish sluggishly walks, as if trudging through mud, towards the inviting ripples. As he lifts his foot to take the first step into the water a familiar voice calls to him from the woodland.

"Foolish! Mon Ange, I've been waiting for you."

Foolish twisted on his feet and took off towards the voice of his other half. He sprinted, tearing harshly through a bush, coming to a sudden halt when he collided with a tree, his body dropping to the ground with a painless thud. Foolish rubs the back of his head softly as he slowly props himself on his knees. fuck that came out of nowhere! felt like I was dreaming almost.

He stands up, recovering quicker than Eret usually would. The memory bringing a soft smile to his face. Wait Eret! Where are they? Foolish whips his head around searching for his [friend?] [love?] [soulmate?] [other half?] taller counterpart. Eret's inviting form was nowhere in the shorter's line of sight. He sighs and leans against the tree, he doesn't remember how he got to this oasis. Last thing he remembers is snow.... a cliff? no that's not right, Eret's too clumsy we avoid hiking.... right?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2022 ⏰

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