Chapter 2

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notes: hiii <3 i wrote almost all of this today, so i hope you like it!! i have mixed feelings because i always feel like my stories are a bit rushed, but we will see :) i would appriacte it alot if you can comment ur reactions along the way!!

As Wilhelm saw that Erik closed the door behind him and left, he picked up his phone fast before it was too late and had a big smile on his face when he heard Simon's voice.

"Hi, how are you?" he asked with concern in his voice.

"I'm okay. It is overwelming, but Erik said he loves me and is happy for me, that's good right?"

"Yes ofcourse! I'm so proud of you Wille"

And Wilhelm also felt proud of himself. This was a big and personal thing for him, and he told the person who he is closest with since he basically was born. Wille was tired, but relieved and happy. He finally could talk about his crush (or boyfriend??) with someone else then the crush himself. Sometimes Simon even got enough of the sappy Wilhelm, but also loved him for it. Simon never said that last bit outloud though, neither did Wilhelm, but they both felt it.

"I wish you were here." the Prince decided to say after a couple seconds of silence.

Was it weird for Wille to already miss Simon and crave for his touch when he saw him yesterday at school? Maybe, but he didn't care much about it.

"I mean...Can't I come over?"
Wilhelm's mouth practically fell open. Did Simon really wanted to come to the castel? Scenes already filled Wilhelm's brain. It was possible right? His parents, let alone Kristina, will never approve of it, but they weren't here. And Erik wanted to meet him. Or was it too fast for Simon? He asked though.

"What do you think?" Simon said as he pulled Wilhelm out of his thoughts.

"My parents aren't here so they can't dissaprove or anything...Erik is here though, mostly working, but still."

"You would be okay if Erik saw" he said with an oh so bright and hopeful voice.

Yes, Wilhelm was okay with it. Erik wants him to be happy, and he would be very happy if Simon was here next to him.

"I mean...If you're comfortable. Believe me, he is chiller then he looks in those formel Royal pictures." Wilhelm said with a grin on his face.

"Yeah, I would like that."

"Like what?"

"Me coming to my...boyf-, my boy's home."

Did Simon just wanted to say boyfriend? Wilhelm wanted to confirm that he wanted Simon to be his boyfriend, but liked to say it in real life more, and not over the phone. It was too important for him to just say it like that.

He had zero problems with Simon calling him his boy though. It made Wille blush like crazy. Simon would tease him if he saw his face right now, and probably kiss it off.



Why were they still so nervous around each other when they have probably seen every inch of each other's bodies? It wasn't akward or anything like that, it was refreshing and cute how Simon's face always seemed to light up. It made Wilhelm feel important.

"It's almost 6.30 right now, we eat dinner in an hour, so you can make it on time if you leave now."

"So desperate?"

"Never" Wilhelm lied.

"We will see" Simon said with the most teasing voice ever, and before Wilhelm could answer, Simon ended the call.

I still got a crush, that's obviousWhere stories live. Discover now