Chapter 3

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Notes: new chapter!! i'm really glad yall liked chapter 2! i tried to go a little further into topics when they were mentioned in their dialogue, so i hope you like that aswell! opinions or reactions along the way are really appriciated <3 (i'm sorry for any grammar mistaked along the way, english isn't my first langauge!!) i also know that this chapter ended weird, but otherwise it would be too long for one chapter!! :(

"You ready?" Wilhelm aks as he squezes Simon's hand lightly.

"Yeah, just a bit nervous. I didn't expect our first meeting to happen like...well, like that, but I'm happy to be here Wille."

"I'm happy you're here too. You can do this, you're amazing, he will see that."

"Thank you Wille" Simon answered as he got a tighter grip around Wilhelm's hand, as Wille leads him to the kitchen were Erik was waiting for them with three pizzaboxes in his two hands.

"There you guys are" he said with a smile as he put the boxes on a sidetable.

"Erik, this is Simon." Wilhelm decided to say after an almost painful quiet moment.

"Hi Simon"


"You can call me Simme if you want. Or don't if you don't want to ofcourse- I mean- It's okay either way I don't care that much about it and-" Simon said, all under 3 seconds. He was rambeling, and both the brothers could tell he was nervous, So Wille squezed his hand one more time to ressure him.

"So, Simme, I don't know which pizza you liked the most, so Wille said you love pepperoni pizza, so I got that, hope that's okay for you."

Wilhelm did remember it. He remembered every little detail that Simon told about himself. He knew that he had to eat pasta with ketchup and didn't liked it without. He knew that his favorite color is purple because it reminds him of happines and he knew that Simon likes to ride on Ayub's motorcyle because he likes how the wind blows his curls out of his face. Wilhelm knew that. He wanted to remember everything about him. The good ones, the adorable ones but also the things he didn't like or felt uncomfortable with. He basically wanted to know everything about this boy.

He and Simon went by a local pizza store in Bjärstad when walking to the footballfield to see Rosh's game, and Simon mentioned that he likes pepperoni pizza the most. He still remebered. He wanted to.

"You remembered" Simon said with a soft voice while bumping his arm lightly against him, something that pulled Wilhelm out of his own thoughts again.

"Ofcourse I did" he replied while staring at Simon's beautiful smile for a long amount of time.

"Okay, is it good if we eat on the couch?" Erik asked knowing that Wilhelm always wanted to do that, but their parents never let them. Another thing that "royals don't do". Wilhelm smiled at him, thanking his big brother for trying to let him feel as comfortable as he could.

"Here" Wilhelm said as he patted the spot next to him, it was a big couch, so they were still a few inches away from each other, but Wille was okay with it, he didn't want to overstep Simon's boundaries, they never spoke about pyshical contact around other people, since Wille only told Erik for now.

They got on the round couch, Wille and Simon on the right side, Erik on the left, so they were sort of facing each other.

"So, you're a non-resident right?" Erik asked to Simon, he was the person that his little brother was in love with after all.

"Yeah, I take the bus back to my home in Bjärstad everyday after school. I live with my mom and sister."

Erik noticed that Simon didn't mentioned his dad, he didn't know why, but also didn't ask. Wilhelm appriciated that, he didn't want to go into the akward deep talk.

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