Part 1

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(Tried reading "Herobrine x Reader - Secrets You Hold" after so many years, but I just HAD to stop to write this! Forgot who it was who commented about this idea too...but....thanks!)

(Please don't hate me for this..



Something about this day in particular felt a bit off... A strange sensation ran through you as you packed your things. It was just another normal day. Nothing weird or even different about it.

Humming a gentle tune as you scurried about your small log cabin, you packed the basic things you always did when traveling to visit your parents. Being the exited little bird who was so eager to fly from her parents' nest, you had moved out of the house the MOMENT you turned 18! Nothing against them. They raised you lovingly, along with your two younger brothers, but you had just been excited to get some freedom from the restocking city you had grown up in. Out here in the wilderness, there were no noisy neighbors or annoying strangers trying to control your life. Only the peace and quiet. Of course, no form of existence came with only positives. You had to teach yourself how to fight early on, well enough to defend yourself against the monsters which lived in the darkness at least. That came with its positives too, however, like being able to defend yourself better from Angie and her little gang. It had been two years already; give it up, man!.. Correction: woman.

Idly, you thought about the long journey back home as you packed your things. You tried to visit them at least once a month, which felt more like once a week to you, since time flew by so fast out here.

You kissed you old cat, Mavv, a quick good bye before heading out the front and only door to your small house. With satisfaction, you had built the small, quaint cabin yourself. Well...mostly.

The sky was a dull grey overhead, though no rain fell. The tall spruce trees swayed in the wind, creaking uncomfortably. A huff of new breath left your nose. You pulled your bag over your shoulder, feeling the continents inside hitting your back. It would be a way's hike. Two day trip...if you were fast enough, that is..

You started along the beaten path, one striding step after another. A simple hike it was, down the mountain towards the open valley which housed the city you were born in. It was the trip back that would REALLY be a struggle.

One night in a hanging tree, and another full day of hiking later, you had arrived at the city walls. You entered with ease, as always, but it was the next trial that was always the most daunting.

For Angie was always waiting. As bad of news she was, you just couldn't break from your monthly routine. Always, you walked down the same road, and at the same time of day, too. She took your predictability with no hesitation, each time jumping you with the help of a couple friends. It had become like a monthly mugging. At least she never dealt too much damage to you. The worst of her blows were her insults which sunk deep into your heart every time.

One would wonder why you allowed such a thing. In truth, you didn't. I mean, no one likes getting a little scraped up and insulted by anyone, especially someone they once knew as a genuinely nice person.

Hands deep in your pockets, you walked along the same road. The cloudy sky left a dull grey atmosphere on the earth, making the simple walk all the more menacing. Your hair was tucked into your blue hood, your tan pants as usual speckled with outside mud. All you could do was wait.

Suddenly, a strong hand grabbed your shoulder, pulling you into an alleyway. You were slammed against a brick wall. Casually, you blocked a fist coming for the back of your head.

"Predictable.." You smirked. The teen tore his offended fist from your clenched fingers. The wilderness had taught you well. Though female, your skin was tough and your muscles, though not big, were hard and impressive. You turned from the brick wall, looking upon the predictable sight. Angie had hired two new teenage boys, who were willing to beat up anyone for the cheapest of change. Angie and you were already in your early twenties. 22, to be exact. She was only 11 days older than you. You were only 15 pounds heavier than her. She was slightly shorter than you as well, which was why she always preferred hiring people to help make her look more intimidating. "Ah...there's the old lady. Your knitting job responsible for the wait, sweetheart?" You smirked.

"You're the one who's late, (Y/n)! I was beginning to worry a rabbit had taken your life on the journey."

"Aww, you DO care.." making a sarcastic cutesy pose "That one was rubbish though. I mean, do you want me to sit through your whole show or not?"

"Would you just STOP it already?! Every time, you get more cocky, as if you think this is some kind of joke! YOU'RE the one who's going insane out in the wilderness, still a sad loner after all these years, because YOU can't find anyone who LOVES you!!" ... "I on the other hand," flipping her hair back, "have a boyfriend, unlike YOU. You couldn't find DOG who loves you enough to be in your presence! the way.. his name is Adrian, and he is absolutely perfect!" She boasted.

You shouldn't have felt as bad as you did. Though she had been kicking you around and stealing your things for over a year now, it was only then that your rage sparked deep within, and your eyes fumed with a flaming rage.

"Take, that, BACK!!" You broke from one of the guy's grasps, a fist launching out at the girl. Her eyes widened. Slow motion. But then you were shoved to the ground by the other boy. Your skin took on new scrapes, but you returned to standing just as quickly. A fist fight started between you and the first boy. One which with your skill you were winning, him having a bloody nose already, until the other attacked, holding you in place. Your jaw took a serious revenge blow. He only got in one more hit before you kicked him away with both legs, swung your legs back down, and front flipped so hard that the boy holding onto you flew into the ground. You stood quickly and instinctively began kicking in his ribs. He cried out in agony. The other boy quickly jumped over him, grabbing you by the waste and tossing the both of you to the ground. You rolled around with him on the hard earth, fighting for who would get up and who would be beaten up. After stomping on his foot before one last push, you made him fall over his own ankle, breaking it with a loud SNAP in the process. He screamed.

You stood up, blurry eyes. Adrenaline filling your blood. All you could think to do was fight. For a moment, you had thought you won when-

A thick piece of metal dug into the back of your skull. ... Your body lost all feeling as you toppled to the heard concrete earth. Your seeping blood crying out as it spilled onto the pavement. Behind you...Angie, wide eyed, stood panting, crowbar in both her tightly clenched hands. Her body shook as she saw your still form. Oh.... No........

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