Part 2

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Your eyes were blurry as they finally opened. A stinging, though dull pain in the back of your head. No one was there, you noticed as you stood up. Surprising; even your bag was there too. With a huff, you lifted what felt like a thousand pounds off of the ground --the weight being your own. Lazily, your eyes searched all around. Your vision was still greatly impared. Only brash contrasting colors stuck out amongst the blur. And as many times as you blinked, it did not help.

Blindly, you struck out into the streets, bumping into strangers, pushed this way and that for no reason. Even your ears could barely guide you, for everything was muffled and incomprehensible.

You just stood out on he sidewalk for a moment, trying to remember where you were. Oh right! You were only one block away from your parents' house! Slowly, you made your way in that direction, gliding your hands across the surfaces of building, listening for anything remotely familiar to the sound of your mother or father calling you. By now they had to be worried. It was darker than before, and they always expected you to arrive at a certain time. You had never been late before. Not like this! After a while of walking, confusion, and head shattering pain, you finally felt the familiar spiral railings that lead up the stairs to your old home's front porch.

Nervously, you knocked on the front door. You were only able to imagine their true reactions. Arms surrounded you, coming from familiar pitches and tones belonging to your family. You could only assume the first was your mother, and then your father, and then your now teen brothers.

Tears dropped from your eyes. It was an overwhelming feeling, though you didn't quite know why.

You were sat down in a chair, wobbling with so little to comprehend around you. Dark figures rushed about. You could feel wet, pasty blood running down the back of your neck. Feeling safe, you leaned back, keeping your aching head away from any such surface.


All the shadowy shapes stopped.


The ground shook. You felt uneasy in your chair, so you sat on the floor instead.



The entire house rumbled under you. All the members of your family rushed outside.

"Wait! Waait!!" You screamed for them. None even seemed to notice you. Fear in your eyes, you crawled after them as the earth continued to tremble. Once you made it to the doorframe, you squinted. It helped only a little. Out there, you saw a terrifying sight. All of the buildings were burning, bright orange flashing all around. On the street, a mass of dark, shadowy figures roamed. Ahead of them: an odd blue and white dot hovered. No more squinting could help, but what you could see was scary enough.

The white dot moved, and you saw it come closer at an alarming rate. The dots turned into a small figure; that of a vague a human form. Blue, purplish, white, and a bit of brown on the top too.

You screamed, scrambling back as the figure came closer. It was tall, big, and threatening. Looked kind of like a man, should you had no way to be sure.

You backed up all the way back into the living room, all the way shoving furniture in front of the floating one and throwing objects at it. He seemed unphazed. When your head lightly bonked against the wall, you screamed in pain, closing your eyes. As they were closed, two large, strong hands grabbed your head on both sides.

Freaking out, you struggled away, pushing your hands against the man's muscular arms, scratching at him even. It was crazy how unphazed the man was. Like, he wasn't even human! When your eyes opened, you could see two blurry dots in front of tan and brown blurs.

Suddenly, a warmness spread from the man's hands all over your body, especially your head. Your wounds began to tingle, and slowly, your vision returned. The man's face took form slowly, the full glowing whites. The stinging in your head ceased, and your vision was completely clear. You melted in his hands, relieved to have such pain finally out of your system. When you opened your eyes again, you were surprised to see the eyes of his, though strangely glowing, kind and gentle. As was the rest of his face.

"..Sorry for throwing stuff at you." You whispered. The man smiled warmly.

"People are often scared of what they can't see." He responded softly. His voice was deep and calming. Your heart fluttered, making you wake more.

"What's your name?" You began trying to stand, appreciating every moment of being able to hear and see clearly again.

"Herobrine." He answered simply.

"Oh.. That's a new one. How come I haven't heard of you? Are you like Notch, going around healing people however you can..?"

He chuckled, "Not exactly.."


"Come with me." He grabbed your hand, carefully leading you back out of the house.

"Wait." You stopped at the front door. "Wh- whh- what about my family?" Now, you could see the other figures walking down the street were people like yourself, all waiting for the man to return to them.

Herobrine smiled back at you, already beginning to fly towards the others. "They are okay." He assured. Carefully taking in his words, you stepped from the door's threshold.

"..Wh..ere are we going?"

"You'll see." He coaxed you to join the others. Thoughtfully, you did so. Other than the people calmly standing around in the crowd, no one else in the city remained. You looked around the bunch for your family, of any familiar faces at all. But, they were all strangers.

You joined them, asking each questions as you walked. It seemed all of them had one thing in common. They had been severely injured, unable to hear or see too well...before being healed by Herobrine and asked to come with him. No one seemed to know where they were going. The few who claimed they did gave no clues as to where away.

Herobrine walked into a couple other houses, bringing newly healed people out, until finally he turned to face all of you.

"Are you ready?" He asked. All nodded but you. Ready for what..? Included with the rest, everyone began to glow a bright purple before vanishing completely. You reappeared in a large hallway. Filling it were open doors. In each, videos played in each like the doors themselves were massive screens. You could barely see what was through the doors over the heads of all the others.

"Look! That's me as a little kid when I learned how to ride a bike!" One pointed to a door.

"No! That's me when I went fishing with my dad!" Another corrected. Hopping up so you could see what they were talking, through the door they had been pointing at, the door shown a scene of when you were really little, playing a simple game of checkers with your mom. It brought a smile to your face.

The big of joy faded, when, down the hall, you saw a creepy, dark portal. Like a funnel, people were being squeezed so tightly together you could barely fight against the flow. But you had to. The warning feeling in your chest was so strong. You knew there was something strange about it.. Something you weren't ready to face.

You dropped to your hands and knees, again crawling. You were stepped on and tripped over by some, but at least you were making progress through the crowd. When you had no room to squeeze anymore, you dipped and rolled through one of the doors.

Suddenly, all was different.

Sleeping ((Herobrine X Reader))Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora