Part 3

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You stood up in a familiar building. It hadn't been a while since you saw this place.. It wasn't as crowded, but again you were in a bustling through the hall.

No longer fearing for your life as you had been before, you walked casually through the space.

It was weird. You saw old faces again. Old friends. Kids you now remembered as adults already moved on in their lives.


You accidentally bumped into someone. It was yourself!

Past you wore a black hood, red dyed hair, and dark makeup. Ah... Yeah... This was you when you were going through that...phase.. Your past self barely even acknowledged you, slumping as she shuffled down the hall.

"Coming through!!!" Another girl squeaked, a tall and leaning science project dangling in the balance. The girl ran into your past self, causing both to tumble to the ground.

"Sorry sorry sorry sorry!"
"Sorry sorry sorry sorry!"

Both girls echoed, scurrying across the floor to pick up each others' things. When their hands landed on the same piece of paper, both looked up into each others' eyes, smiling awkwardly at each other.

"...S-s-s-sorry-sorry.. I- I can help you fix it." Past you blurted.

"Th-thanks.." the other girl blushed. My gosh, it was Angie! "B- but it doesn't look too broken!"

"No- noo!.. I- I.. I want to help.." Past you said. Finally agreeing, past Angie nodded, small smiles rising on both of you. Quickly, you both for your things together, and past you followed Angie into one of the classrooms.

You watched from afar with a saddened smile on your face. You had been so happy to finally make a new friend..

"(Y/n)." You spun on your heels, wide eyed. Herobrine was hovering before you, looking down at you with a slight look of annoyance. "Wh... Why didn't you go?"

"I-" Looking around you, you searched for a good enough excuse. "I... Don't know where I would be going... I.. don't want to go!"

"Ahh.. You're one of them." Slowly, Herobrine came down to stand again on the ground in front of you. You shivered, but, seeing his calm, warm face was the same as before, you didn't fear him so much. Placing a hand on your shoulder. "Don't worry... We can take this slow.." He smiled. You couldn't help but smile back. "...So, what is so important about this place?" He began looking around at all the young teenagers. You blushed.

"This.. This was my...middle school."

"Ahh, I've seen many people's memories of such places. Usually, this is where people find their first crush." He turned back, smirking at you. Unlike with you, the kids strolling around just phased through the man, as if he didn't even exist. "Is it the same for you?" He asked, smiling when your face heated up.

"Y- yh- yeahh.." You looked up at him with a face redder than fire. He laughed out loud, towering over the kids around him as he searched for the one you might be remembering. You chuckled at his curiosity.

Then, your mind stopped when your past self and Angie stepped out from the class, both happily laughing as they walked side by side. Herobrine noticed you staring. Placing two hands on his knees, the man bent down so he was at the same level as you, with amazement following your eyes.

"Is that YOU?!?" He asked with amazed eyes. You turned to him with a little laugh.

"Yup!" You smiled. Both your eyes followed the girl with bright red hair, who for the first time all school year had her hood down. Standing up straighter again, Herobrine placed his hands on his shoulders.

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