Her Hail Mary

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-*- Hunter -*-

This weekend had been rough.

Dale read through the paperwork given to me by the CPS lady with a fine-tooth comb. The only thing he could get from it was there was an anonymous call made to them around the time we were in the interrogation room. As well as that there was an emergency custody meeting set for Monday morning at nine a.m.

I tried not to be a Debbie Downer. I did have moments where I let my thoughts get the best of me. Like Saturday evening when Holly and I drove three hours to meet Allison Bexley at a diner halfway between our towns.

That woman came in, took one look at me, and high-tailed it out of there.

Obviously, we ran after her. When we caught up, she shook her head and told us she couldn't help us. The only thing she would let us in on was that she was a struggling single mother who signed a non-disclosure agreement. If she broke it, she would be homeless, and CPS would take her baby. Seeing as I knew how it felt to have your kids ripped away from you, we let her go.

Dale assured me even without her testimony we could win this. Especially knowing what we do. He said he had planned to wait to use the information about Micheal till a later date, but this was just speeding up the timeline.

He and Christine barely left over the weekend. I don't think they wanted me to be alone while Holly was at work.

I had tried to call and grab a few hours at the shop. My boss didn't think it was a good idea I came in. Told me to take a few extra days off given the circumstances. Meaning he heard the rumors and thought me being there would hurt his business. I was going to lose my job over this shit.

That was definitely something I couldn't afford to happen. How would that look to a judge? Like I was a homeless, jobless, deadbeat. That's how.

Holly squeezed my hand as we walked up the steps of the courthouse. She and Christine purposely took the day off so they could be in the gallery today to support me. Dale clapped his hand on my shoulder to grab my attention.

"We've got this buddy," he assured me.

I simply nodded and followed him inside.

Candace and Craig were already waiting outside the courtroom when we approached.

"Mr. Krenshaw," Craig said slightly confused, "there was no need for you to join us today. I've got this handled."

"Oh! right," Dale smirked, "I forgot to tell you, I quit."

"Excuse me?"

"Yes," Dale said proudly, "I'm here representing Mr. Harrison today."

The shocked look on both of their faces made me smile a little. I bet they were thinking I was going to just roll over and let them win. Well, that's not happening.

Candace's eyes found mine and Holly's connected hands and narrowed. I could see her about to comment. Thankfully, the bailiff opened the room doors and motioned us in. I know it was a petty move, but I made sure to give Holly a quick kiss right in front of her.

Once we were all inside, we were called to stand to allow the judge to enter. He was an elderly man with his hairline receding far back on his skull. He adjusted his glasses as he sat down and asked us to be seated.

"We're here for an emergency sole custody hearing between Mrs. Candace Harrison and Mr. Hunter Harrison. It says here there is speculation of physical abuse in the home. Is this true?"

"Yes, your..." began Craig as he stood to address the judge. Dale stood up to deny the claim but someone else beat him to it.

"No!" Candace called out.

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