Sophie/Whisper x Jenny/Sunshine

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EDITORS NOTE || every chapter, i will change the song i am listening to since yknow.. im filtering through a yt playlist atm. anyways, enjoy this chapter!


Sophie/Whisper sat in the nursery, her kits curled up next to her. Sophie's mate, Jenny/Sunshine, was brushing the kits fur with her tongue. It was their apprentice ceremony at last. It felt like 6 years for this to happen, but it was only 6 moons. Jenny would wake the kits up one by one and clean their fur, flattening it down so they'd look perfect for their apprentice ceremony.

Once everyone was all cleaned off and ready, Sophie heard the leader do his meeting call. The rustling of bushes around the nursery was grating to Sophie's ears. God she hated how loud they were, especially the crunching of the leaves afterwards.

She pushed aside the thought and brought her four kits outside of the den and to the meeting rock, where Rat/Star sat, looking across the clearing to make sure everyone had come out of their dens and attended the meeting. He'd look over at Sophie and Jenny with excitement before speaking out.

"Today marks the day that four apprentices are made! I will be addressing them all at once to give them their names and mentors. So, Passion/Kit, Melody/Kit, Seed/Kit and Gingerly/Kit, do you all accept the words of the Code and promise to follow these until you are old enough to go free on your own as a warrior?" Rat/Star speaks out to the four.

"We do!" All four kits exclaim.

"Then, by the power of the ancestors watching us, good or bad, I give you your apprentice names. You will be known as Passion/Paw, Melody/Paw, Seed/Paw and Gingerly/Paw until you are made warriors. Your mentors will be as follows: Passion will be mentored by Sugar/Rush, Melody will be mentored by Deleted/Fears, Seed will be mentored by Brian/Stells and Gingerly will be mentored by Bog/Bones." Rat/Star would say proudly to the four apprentices.

Everyone starts cheering for the new apprentices, but the loudest voice came from Jenny. Her voice drowning out the others cheering. Sophie joins in the chant slowly after.

When the meeting ends, Sophie and Jenny go over to see their kits. They shower them with love and congratulations for finally becoming apprentices. The four would squeak and fall under the love they were getting from their mothers.

The two queens would ruffle the head fur of their kits before waving and letting the two do their apprentice duties as they go to the meeting area for patrols.


chapter 2 with 420 words. its growing.

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