Molly/Paws x Omori/Dreams

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It's a bright morning, the sun is piercing through the clouds in StarClan, but Molly has decided she's going to pass through the border between this beautiful place into a dark, starless place that nobody in StarClan was supposed to visit, but she had someone to meet.

Molly runs over to a barrier that split the two lands of the dead from eachother, the barrier between StarClan and The Dark Forest. She cant see anything but darkness and an endless, starless forest ahead of her. She reaches a paw through the barrier and a cat pulls her through. His black and white pelt seems nearby invisible against the shadowy forest.

Molly giggles and hugs the tom. "Long time, no see Omori/Dreams!" She'd exclaim, they really haven't been able to spend much time together because of the fact there were always too many cats around for Molly to sneak around easily.

Omori nods. "I guess it has been a pretty long time.. Curse those StarClan cats, their always so over-protective aren't they? What's a Dark Forest cat gonna do, kill one of their cats? Don't think so. You only die again when your completely forgotten by every living cat." He'd say, obviously mad at at the things these StarClan cats did.

"I know, but some of them don't understand that. They've seen cats disappear suddenly, even when they were just around less than a day before. They really think the Dark Forest cats are killing them." Molly explains, hoping that Omori understood.

"..Fine, I believe you." Omori snorts, laying his tail over his paws and looking away. He didn't really enjoy being proven wrong like that.

Molly jumps up and tackles him, rolling him over on his back and pinning him down. It was more of a playful attack than a hostile one. "Ya better believe me, I'm your mate y'know!" Molly would remind him.

"I know that, Molly! You don't have to drill it into my ears." He'd say, rolling the she off of him, successfully doing so. He shook his pelt and got rid of the dirt on it, batting the she's ear.

Molly rolled over and dodged Omori's paw. Standing up and blowing a raspberry afterwards. "You really gotta work on being a bit faster, Omori! Your gonna miss all of your attacks at this rate!" She'd tease.

Omori recoiled and scrunched up his nosebridge. "Fast? Well then try and catch up with me!" Omori hisses before running off into the forest.

"Ha, that's easy!" Molly says before she starts chasing after the tom, even when he had a 6 or 7 second headstart, Molly passed him easily. Avoiding the trees was a harder task however, but she didn't run into anything.

Omori reaches where she stopped, at a river flooded with pitch-black water. Omori and Molly are both exhausted at this point. The two sit down at the edge of the river and intertwine their tails, Molly leaning against Omori as she slowly falls into a sleep-like state.

"Goodnight, Molly." Omori whispers to her before he falls asleep aswell.

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