Welcome To Endsville

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Moving. Moving sucked. Instead of staying where you were you had to go somewhere else. That somewhere else was also completely new. That was the case now.

(Y/n) Bagge and his grandparents had just moved from the middle of nowhere to Endsville. His grandmother had decided that they should move to a nicer area once they had become the guardians of (y/n). (Y/n) and his grandfather however wanted to stay in the middle of nowhere. Their dog however had been as happy as possible to get out of that hellhole.

"It's to sunny here" (y/n) groaned as he looked out the window of his new room. "What are you smiling at Courage?" The boy turned to glare at the dog laying on his bed.

 "What are you smiling at Courage?" The boy turned to glare at the dog laying on his bed

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Courage barked something and smiled again. (Y/n) sighed before picking up the dog and walking down the stairs. "Morning boys" Muriel Bagge called from the kitchen. "Breakfast is on the table"

"Thanks grandma Muriel" (y/n) replied before putting courage down by his food bowl

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"Thanks grandma Muriel" (y/n) replied before putting courage down by his food bowl. (Y/n) wasn't usually nice to people but it was hard to be mean to grandma Muriel. He walked over to the table and grabbed a piece of toast.

"Shouldn't you be on your way to school?" Eustace Bagge asked from his chair in the living room. He on the other hand was a lot easier to be mean to.

(Y/n) knew that ignoring the man would annoy him so he didn't reply

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(Y/n) knew that ignoring the man would annoy him so he didn't reply. Instead he just bit into his toast and grabbed his bag before walking out the back door. He closed the door behind him before walking to the front yard and looking around. He was supposed to be starting school today but was already contemplating skipping it. He had seen the school on the drive into town, it was a run down old place and (y/n) had no desire to go there.

On the other hand however he had nothing to do. "Might as well" (y/n) shrugged to himself before beginning the walk to school. It was a relatively quiet walk.

(Y/n) walked into the school half an hour later and looked around the crowded halls. It luckily wasn't as run down inside as it was outside. The boy looked down at his schedule and saw that his first class was math. "Great" he mumbled to himself. He began walking before realizing he had no clue where he was going. He could have asked for directions from one of the passing students but instead decided just to walk around until he found it.

Because of his refusal to ask for help (y/n) ended up arriving to class a couple minutes late. He opened the door and walked in. The teacher noticed the boy and smiled "you must be our new student" she smiled causing the rest of the class to finally notice the boy. They didn't seem to care at all. Good (y/n) thought to himself. He nodded. "Would you please introducing yourself?"

"Yes. Yes I would" (y/n) replied before walking past the teacher and stopping only to look at the students and say a few words. "Talk to me at your own risk. Only warning" he walked to the back of the classroom and sat down in an empty desk next to a blonde haired girl in a pink dress.

The blonde didn't say anything but just glanced at the boy curiously

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The blonde didn't say anything but just glanced at the boy curiously. This one is different she thought to herself.

During class (y/n) was able to overhear a couple of hushed conversations between the students. "Great he's just another Mandy" he heard one say.

"I was certain she was one of a kind" another student whispered.

"We're doomed"

"He looks dead inside"

The teacher stepped out of the room to answer a phone call. This school really is run horribly (y/n) thought to himself.

"Hey" that voice came from the blonde sitting next to him. "New kid"

"What'd you want?" (Y/n) replied coldly as he glanced at the girl. "I thought I was pretty clear"

"Crystal" she replied with a nod. "And Here I am talking to you anyways"

(Y/n) nodded. "So you are. What do you want Blondie?" The girl glared at him after that. Good. She doesn't like that, then that's what I'll call her.

"To offer you an opportunity. People around here are idiots. Whether or not you want them to they'll try and become your friends. Hang with me however and everyone will know not to come near you" the girl smirked.

"What's in it for you Blondie? Nobody just does anything out of the good of their heart" (y/n) replied as he crossed his arms. "And how do I know you can deliver on that promise?"

"Im curious about you. And I like your attitude. I could use another friend, especially one more like me" the girl said before shrugging. "And here's your proof I can deliver on my promise" she tapped back of the head of the boy sitting in front of her. "Move!" She demanded. The boy quickly got out of the seat and scrambled to the other side of the room as the room fell silent.

"Color me impressed Blondie" (y/n) smiled evilly as he turned to the girl. "I'm (y/n)"

"Mandy" the girl replied with a smirk of her own. "So what do you say?"

"We'll see" (y/n) replied as he shrugged. "So far however it's looking good"

"Good" Mandy nodded. "Meet me on the roof at lunch"

"One minute Blondie" (y/n) replied causing Mandy to raise an eyebrow. "First things first, you don't tell me what to do. You want something? You ask nicely. Got it?"

Mandy took a deep breath and glared at the boy. "No" she barked out through grit teeth. "This is for you. Not for me. You hang with me and I make sure nobody annoys you remember?"

"Fine" (y/n) shrugged. "Just don't try pushing me off the roof"

"No promises" Mandy growled before standing up and leaving the room. I better not regret this.

(Y/n) smiled. He had never met someone so infuriating before. This must be what it's like to be around him. (Y/n) liked it. He had a feeling that he and Mandy were going to get along splendidly... after the initial period of getting used to each other... that was probably gonna be very unpleasant.

Word count: 1082

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