Meet The Reaper

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"Alright Blondie I'm here" (y/n) said as he exited the building onto the roof. He instantly spotted Mandy and walked over to her.

"You bring something to eat?" Mandy asked as she sipped on a juice box.

"Nope" (y/n) replied as he sat next to Mandy. Their feet dangled off the edge of the building. "I'll just take some of your food" (y/n) smirked as he grabbed a cookie from the lunchbox the girl kept in her lap.

"Give it back!" Mandy demanded angrily as she glared at the boy.

(Y/n) smirked before biting into the cookie. "You still want it Blondie?" He asked as he held the half eaten cookie out to her.

"You keep it" Mandy growled through grit teeth. She was starting to have second thoughts about this kid. "Tell me about yourself"

"Why?" (Y/n) asked as he crossed his arms. "I know nothing about you. Why should I tell anything to a complete stranger"

"Because this complete stranger is going to punch you into next week if you don't stop being a prick for two seconds!" Mandy exclaimed as she got ready to throw a punch.

"Alright, alright. No need to be a bitch about it" (y/n) smiled. He was enjoying messing with Mandy. This was the most fun he'd had since his parents died. "I'm an only child who just moved her from nowhere with my grandparents. Not much more to tell"

"I was hoping for something more descriptive" Mandy frowned slightly before shrugging. "But I can work with that"

"What do you mean work with that?" (Y/n) asked curiously.

"I'm trying to figure you out" Mandy replied. "You're an enigma. I have no clue how you ended up so... me"

"I lived life" (y/n) shrugged. "Honestly I'm surprised people can live more than a couple years without turning out like us"

"Wise words" Mandy nodded thoughtfully. "It seems that we're the only two sane people in this town"

"Hello?! Mandy?'" A loud voice called from the staircase that lead down to the school.

Mandy groaned. "Speaking of sanity, that's Billy, he has none. He's my only other human friend" the loud boy quickly ran up the stairs and onto the roof.

 He's my only other human friend" the loud boy quickly ran up the stairs and onto the roof

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(The only good fanart of teen Billy was one where he was dead. It was very disturbing... anyways I'm not using that so deal with me just using Billy from the show instead of an older version)

"Mandy!" Billy called out before noticing (y/n). "New kid! Wait... why are you hanging out with Mandy? Nobody does that"

"You do" Mandy replied with a glare.

"Oh. Right" Billy nodded before shrugging. "What were we talking about?"

"We were talking and then you interrupted us" (y/n) glared at Billy.

The Grim Adventures of (Y/N) and MandyWhere stories live. Discover now