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"Niggas rather work for the man, than to work with me"

"Just so they can pretend, they on my level. That shit is irking me"

"Pride always goeth before the fall, almost certainly"

I stood in front of my mirror, fixing my tie, getting ready to head out for the work day. I had to be at the office in an hour for an interview but I wanted to go early to get everything ready beforehand.

After finally adjusting my tie, I reached for my Dior Cologne and spraying just a little on my wrist to put on myself. Setting my cologne back on my dresser, I then grabbed my Sapphire Crystal Audemars Piguet to put on my wrist. As I grabbed my things and turned off my speaker getting ready to walk out of my bedroom, I heard laughs coming from downstairs.

I just assumed that it was just Alyssa and few of her friends. I closed my door to walk down the steps and saw Alyssa and two of her other friends talking around the kitchen island counter. "Well good morning sweetheart" Alyssa grinned at me and I gave her a small smile, kissing her forehead then turning to wave at her friends.

"Good morning Lyss and morning ladies" I said to the both of them and they gave me a smirk while Alyssa shot them a glare. I shook my head then walked to the refrigerator door, opening it and grabbing the international delight iced coffee. Coffee was the only way I felt like I could get myself ready for these days at work.

"Soo babe" Alyssa started to speak rubbing my shoulder as I continued pour my coffee in my mug but still listening to her. "You know I've been looking for shoes for the wedding and I seen this one pair of really cute Jimmy Choo heels but I just need the money for them"

"I told you I don't mind getting anything you want Alyssa but the wedding isn't until a year from now" I replied. "You'll most likely end up finding another pair of shoes you want before then"

I ended up proposing to Alyssa about a few weeks ago and I guess you can say it's been kind of hectic. We had to push the wedding out until next year because of the great amount of business opportunities and events that I had going on. She didn't mind as long as she got to plan everything out, which was okay by me. We met each other back in medical school, about three years ago and she ended up pursuing me first. I didn't expect for us to come this far because I was only focused on work and school at the time but somehow we made it here. She never finished school like I did but it wasn't like it was a disadvantage for her at all. Her dad was wealthy.

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