Road Trip

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(The Next Day, Yongen-Jaya, Cafe Leblanc)

on live T.V. Alice confessed to everything, and the people who had their desires stolen were officially back to normal, as everyone was wanting info from Alice, Zenkichi popped into the cafe, proclaiming that there were changes of heart all over the country and left a deal up with the thieves, as he waited outside, the group began to speak

"Now this is unexpected, we assumed Alice's confession would clear our names", Yusuke stated

"They really weren't just trolling", Futaba muttered

"What is it", Ann asked

"When I was searching the web, I noticed some people saying weird stuff was happening here and there, similar to what we've seen so far", Futaba explained, "almost none of them made the news, and it seems like everyone's just trying to ignore it, but...",

"What Gramps is sayin's prolly not bs after all", Ryuji said

"What should we do, if they decide to scapegoat us, we'll never be able to clear our names", Haru asked

"They're not even changing hearts for the same reasons as us", Futaba stated

"If there really are other brainwashing incidents out there, that would mean there are more jails", Morgana explained, "do you think there could be more monarchs out there too",

"No doubt about that", Luna said

"Then what would we do, considering what we've gathered, going along with that man could be a viable option", Yusuke stated

"Are we seriously gonna trust that dude", Ryuji asked

"What other choice do we have, at the very least, his intel about Alice was useful", Ann stated

"What do you say, Akira", Morgana asked

"We have no choice but to make the deal", Akira said

"He'll have to learn about the Metaverse, and to avoid Akira getting arrested, we'll have to take him to the jail", Makoto stated, although everyone was in shock, the group agreed and called Zenkichi back in, and the group began telling him about the Metaverse, but believed them to be on drugs until they brought him to the jail, where he soon believed everyone, not long after, both the thieves and Zenkichi made a deal, they help him solve the cases and Zenkichi would protect him, and had asked for the thieves to be in Sapporo City by August 8th, and to avoid public transportation, there, everyone summer plans were now up for a road trip.

(The Next Day, Yongen-Jaya)

after talking about Emma and their creator, Maddice, Zenkichi was able to confiscate Alice's phone so Futaba could check out Alice's Emma app, only to find nothing, and Sophia would be able to track down Jails while they were on the road, and with help from Sojiro, he was able to secure a camper from his friend, as everyone went inside, they were amazed, not long after, everyone parted ways to pack up, as Luna was finishing up, she began texting her aunt


L- going on a road trip with everyone, house is locked up tight, will give you guys' updates to know I'm still alive

Aunt- are you sure about this

L- positive

Aunt- just be careful out there, and if you're near Inaba, don't be afraid to stop by and say hi

L- don't worry, I won't

(Texting End)

Luna left her Aunt and Uncle's house, and locked it up behind her, making sure the house was secured, she began walking over to the camper, there, Akira was waiting for her

"You ready", Akira asked

"Yeah, my aunt and uncle know I'm leaving, house's secured, and they ask to stop by Inaba if we're ever in the area", Luna explained

"Not too sure about that, but we'll see, everyone's all ready and inside", Akira said as Luna nodded her head and everyone got into the camper, Makoto was in the driver's seat as Ann was in the passenger's seat

"You sure you kids are gonna be ok on your own", Sojiro asked

"We'll be fine, I mean, probably", Futaba said

"Take care, boss", Yusuke said

"Same to you, be careful out there", Sojiro said

"Thanks, bye", Makoto said as she began driving forward

"Summer Vacation, here we come", Ryuji cheered as the camper pulled out of Yongen-Jaya and the thieves were officially on the road

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