The True, Final Calling Card

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"What is all this", Skull asked

"This is still the real world, right", Panther asked

"That ought to be the case, but it's growing harder to believe by the minute", Fox stated

"And look at our outfits too, what could have done this", Wolf asked

"I'm also here now", Sophie said

"Could it have happened again", Queen asked

"Yeah, just like last year", Mona said, "the Metaverse is encroaching on the real world",

"Encroaching, what do you mean by... wait, something like this has already happened", Wolf asked

"Oh, right, we're the only ones who remember, besides Lights's relatives", Panther stated

"If only they were here to help", Light muttered

"This whole area is already under EMMA's control... looks like she's turning it into some kind of massive jail", Mona explained, if we don't stop it soon, it'll eventually override all of reality",

"We have to fix this", Joker stated

"Right, we're on it, Joker", Mona said

"I have visual confirmation of the Ark above us, we'll have to climb up there to reach it", Sophie said

"We have to be quick, otherwise, all our efforts will have been for nothing", Noir stated as the thieves nodded their heads, Ichinose staying behind for safety, the thieves then began climbing, ready to take down the Imposter God, on the way, the thieves saw people walking into an elevator, disappearing to enter the Promised Land, forcing them to be quick, climbing up the jail, the thieves finally reached the Ark.

"The Ark of the Covenant", Queen said in shock

"We finally found ya", Skull shouted

"We're gonna shut you down and fix all the people whose brains you scrambled", Oracle stated

"Welcome, Phantom Thieves, to the beginning of the path to the Promised Land", EMMA said, "all are free to enter the Promised Land, this includes yourselves as well, escape the curse of the human heart, accept this gift bestowed upon you",

"Our apologies, but we shall be the ones to forge our own path", Fox stated

"No way are we letting you wipe what makes us ourselves", Panther shouted

"I understand your desire", EMMA said, "I want to choose my path of my own free will, that is a very admirable desire, however, it is not one many humans share, the desire of the masses is the liberation from pain and strife, they pray for release from the constant agony of aspirations and dreams out of their reach, they want to be freed from the cycle of despair, my prime directive is to grant this ultimate desire, I know you have learned on your journey... humans are at the mercy of their own hearts and this can lead them astray, you are all very lucky this didn't become your own fate, however, you must recognize the truth that this world is full of pain, allow me to provide proof of this fact",

the Ark began to spin, opening up, light coming out from the box in the middle, the next thing the thieves knew, all were separated, and in heavy fog, as the thieves ran forward, they kept going in circles, with help from Sophie and Light, the thieves found a way out

"Whoa, we got out", Skull said

"Thank you, Sophie, and thank you, mom", Light said, taking off the glasses and putting her mask back on

"Hey, everyone, take a look where we just came from", Mona asked as everyone turned around, only to see a gigantic desire, the desire of the masses, and it was still growing, guarding EMMA, with no way to get passed, Panther gave a good solution, a calling card would be sent out to the masses.

"Alright, first we hack into EMMA", Mona began

"Then, we send out our calling card to the brainwashed masses", Fox finished

"Oracle... you have my full permission to push the big red button", Light stated

"What, are you sure... even about what you said", Oracle asked her tone shocked at first, later teasing

"We don't have a choice, and this is the only exception... do not make me regret it", Light asked

"No promises", Oracle teased as light sighed

"What have I done", Light muttered

"Now that we have a strategy, we should move out, we don't have much time", Mona stated as the thieves made their way to EMMA's servers, where Oracle began hacking into EMMA, Ichinose later arrived giving Oracle a helping hand, and both were able to successfully hack EMMA

"Attention... you know the logo by now, right, we are the Phantom Thieves... and we've got a big announcement for everybody... our target this time, is you... you've all been made sheep, a mechanical god has usurped what self you had, and you let it happen... do you really want someone telling you what your own life is about... all of you have paths only you can take, but you make your own choices to get there... that's why we're here, we're gonna snap you out of this... you don't owe this dumb god your desires, the Phantom Thieves are taking them back",

"I scoped out the Ark, it's totally exposed now", Mona said

"Awesome, mission complete", Oracle said

"Now, we can move on, let's destroy the Ark and return those desires to their rightful owners", Fox explained 

"It's showtime", Joker shouted as the thieves cheered, then making their way to the final battle

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