Calling Cards and Dragons

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(The Next Day, Sendai, Bookstore)

"M-Mr. Natsume", an editor stuttered

"Good morning, I see there's quite a crowd today", Natsume stated

"Um, yes... about that...", the editor said

"What is it", Natsume asked, before looking at the podium, calling cards littered the area, "Wha... What, what is this",

"Well, when the staff came to open the store this morning, it was already like this", the editor stated, "they called the police, but they were told to leave it as it is... to preserve the crime scene",

"To the ostentatious swindler, Mr. Ango Natsume, you are a depraved miscreant who holds others in contempt and steals their work, lining your own pockets all the while, we refuse to overlook the crimes you commit as you wear a false crown, tonight, we take back the Desires you've stolen",

"...Honestly, how stupid can you get", Natsume asked in laughter, "what nonsense",

"I am the monarch, my followers are loyal, that is... as long as I hold their desires, no... having those desires is proof of my claim to power, proof of my sovereignty, I won't hand them over... I won't give them up, you foolish heroes are nothing but talk, come then, I'll crush every last one of you",

(Meanwhile, Sendai Station)

"Alright, his cognition should be changed now", Yusuke stated

"Thank you for all of your help, Mr. Detective", Haru said

"And with that, I've officially become an accomplice to the Phantom Thieves", Zenkichi sighed

"What're you complaining about, you're the one who proposed working with us, remember", Morgana stated

"As a reward, I'll try to start calling you Zenkichi instead of Gramps from now on, 'kay", Futaba said

"Inspector Hasegawa is quite a mouthful", Yusuke added

"Fine, whatever, you've already dragged me along this far", Zenkichi said

"Now then, the desires should have materialized, it's up to us to take them back and return them to their rightful owners", Yusuke explained, "and doing so, we'll set his distorted heart straight",

"Let's do this", Akira said as everyone, minus Zenkichi let out a cheer and entered the Metaverse

(Metaverse, Sendai Jail)

making their way to Shadow Natsume's Castle, the thieves climbed the chain all the way to the top of the Castlevania Wanna-Be castle, the thieves were greeted with a throne room, Shadow Natsume was there, waiting for them

"You certainly took your time, Phantom Thieves... or should I say, chosen heroes", Shadow Natsume stated

"Bout time we met, eh, Mister Overlord", Skull asked

"You're gonna give back all those desires you stole", Panther stated

"Hope you're ready", Joker challenged

"Such foolishness, you haven't the slightest idea of what you've just walked into", Shadow Natsume laughed

"That appearance, that stance... this is no doubt the Overlord from "Prince of Nightmares", Fox stated

"All I see is a Dracula Wanna-Be", Light muttered in disgust

"Me too", Oracle added

"He certainly gives off that impression... but weren't the Fearsome Four just dressed like normal people", Noir asked

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