The Start

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Everyone was changing, to go to training, there in there 3rd year in class 3A. some were talking amongst each other while getting dressed. girls in the girls looker room, boys in the boy locker room, now in the boys looker room with deku. (when some is thinking something there will be 💭name💭 when it's them thinking)

Kirishima- "Hey midobro! Ik you hade a lot of scars but look at you bro you have so many more then before!"

Deku- "haha yea.."

Kirshima- "so manly!"

Deku- "you think so?"

Kirishima- "yea!"

Bakugou-"what the fuck are you shitty extras talking about!!"

Kirishima-"hey bakubro! Just talking bout all of deku's scars!"

Bakugou- ""
💭Bakugou💭- "hm.. His scars huh.."

Kirishima-"what do you think about them bakubro!"

Deku- "kirshima we both know what he thinks!-"

Bakugou- "there okay"

Deku froze and looked at bakugou, kirshima also looked at bakugou with a small smirk but also confused as well. the boys looked at bakugou silince filled that area of that room, then kirshima broke the silence.

Kirshima- "well I'm done ill see you bros with the rest of the class!"

Both boys Said okay, in there own way of course. As bakugou finshed doing up his belt, putting his gauntlets on, and his head pice on. he saw deku was struggling do to his zip up. Bakugou herd deku say something and turnd to look at him, hearing deku saying, someone help? Bakugou looked around to see ppl leave and some still getting ready.

💭Bakugou💭- "ughh ofc I will be doing it.."

Bakugou walked over to deku slowly, watching deku kinda struggle to zip it up on his own. this caused a chuckle and a small laugh at the same time. as bakugou got there deku looked at him confused.

Bakugou-"you need help nerd?"

Deku looked up at bakugou and a small blush creped up on deku's face.

Deku- "y-yes please kacchan!"

Deku did his nerdy geek smile while looking at him, bakgou couldn't help but feel his face slightly heat up.

Bakugou- "you just need the zip done right?"

Deku-"mhm! Thank you!"

As bakugou reached his hands for deku's back he had the slight erg to grab his waist and hug him, but he shook that feeling backwards still not focusing on what he was really doing. he got a grip of deku's zip, but he started to pull down deku was just staring down while bakugou was behind helping. bakugou was mesmerized by deku's scars but soon broke from this trance.


Bakugou's eyes widenend and quickly pulled the zip up and look at deku seeing he was red as a tamatto.

Bakugou- "tch.. Stupid nerd"

Deku- " what me stupid!? Your the one who was UNDRESSING me!"

Bakugou began to feel his face become hot again, but he just looked at deku pissed and turned away heading out.

Bakugou- "finishes getting dressed nerd"

💭Deku💭- "w-what the hell.. What was that just then.."

Everyone was finshed getting dressed and was out side training, about just and hour a Later bakugou was outa a huge amount of breath. He told kirshima he was going to sit down, deku noticed this and walked over to bakugou handing him something.

Deku-  "here kacchan!"

Bakugou looked at deku while he was being handed a bottle of water from him. Bakugou just looked at him and deku just smiled as bakugou took the bottle. Deku went to walk away but was pulled back around.

Deku- "k-kacchan!? Why did you grab me?"

Bakugou-  " sit with me shitty nerd"

They sat down and bakugo began to cool down and chatch his breath back. Bakugou then felt his arm being lifted, turnd and looked at deku.

Bakugou-  "what the fuck are you doing shitty nerd??"

Deku- " your hero suit is really heavy, it's making you use more energy then you would need to use. and slower your movements aswell! and because your using more energy then you should, it's making you very drained and tired! so you would need to make your hero costume lighter an-"

Bakugou- " holy shit, shut up deku! Your mumbling and ranting on!"

Deku- "a-ahh sorry kacchan!"

Both boys looked at each other awkwardly, but as bakugou was about to talk Mr aizawa yelled out  that it's time to pack up, change out of our hero costumes and head home for the weekend.

Every one headed to the locker rooms to have there last talk with each other before the weekend. With the girls in the girls looker room.

Mina- "omg omg omg omg!"

Jirou-  "mina are you okay?"

Mina-  "did you see bakubabe and midobabe talking!!"

Hagakure-  "omg I did!! They were talking!"

As the girls were talking nearly all the boys were done and heading out to the dorms to be picked up. Most girls were done but some got distracted by talking about deku and bakugo, So they were a little behind the other girls. With the boys in the boy locker room now.


Then explosions went of left right and center, the boys who were still there just watched as this boy raged. They knew bakugou needed help but were to afraid to be blown up in the face by him. They couldn't ask kirshima for help as kirshima has already got home. They herd bakugou crusing and swearing at his gauntlets, Some were talking amongst themselves and then some were finishing up and quickly leaving as fast as they could, to not become bakugous target. Then the rest of the ppl in there herd the word kacchan.

Deku- "kacchan! Just ask for help!"

They all saw deku walk towards bakugou all there faces faded and turnd white as they saw bakugous face looking up and dead straight through deku's soul.

Bakugou- " fuckin' shitty nerd!"

Deku-  "just let me help! Before you brake your gauntlets!"

Bakugou-  "tch"

Bakugou lowerd his arms and calmed down but looked sorta pissed, bakugou watched as deku came over and lightly grabbed bakugous arm, from this light touch bakugou calmed down tremendously and just looked at deku. Deku was slowly undoing the gauntlets straps, and untide the strings and more. Bakugou was watching deku calmly, it took about 20 minutes to 30 minutes to get them off, by the time deku finshed getting bakugous gauntlets off it took 15 minutes to get of deku's own coustum. As the 2 boys grabbed there stuff they herd a click noise, bakugou turnd to see deku dashing to the door, and seeing deku trying to open the door, it wasn't working he then stared to bang and scream at the door. Bakugou the yelled at deku.

Bakugou- "Deku! What the fuck calm down"

Deku- "NO! You don't understand!"

Bakugou- "how don't I nerd, your freaking out for nothing"


Bakugou just looked at deku knowing at lest this time he has a reason to be freaking out.

Bakugou-  "well come sit with me shitty nerd we're stuck after all"

(1198 words to make this.)

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