Revenge of the boyfriend

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Michael's P.O.V

Jolie and I were cuddling on my bed watching a movie. I was so happy she gave me a chance. Cameron doesn't deserve her after what he did to her. I heard her snoring softly and it was adorable. I kissed her forhead and went to sleep myself.

Jolie's P.O.V

I woke up and Michael was also sleeping.  I got up and started to decide what I was going to do because I don't think Michael is going to let me go back to my parents. I searched through Michae ldraws and grabbed his Nivana shirt and some of his shorts. I walked to the bathroom and changed. His clothes were really big on my but I didn't care. I walked down stairs and started cooking some bacon and eggs. I know I know, we just had breakfast but I want it again. I started making the bacon first and put on some music. I started playing Love like war by All time low. 

"Make a wish on our sorry little hearts Have a smoke, pour a drink, steal a kiss in the dark Fingernails on my skin like the teeth of a shark I'm intoxicated by the lie" I sang

As I started singing the chorus I felt arms snake their way around my waist and I smiled.

"You have a beautiful voice" Michael said 

"Thank you" I said and Michael rested his head in the crook of my neck

He kissed my cheek and I smiled.

"Heart's on fire tonight

Feel my bones ignite
Feels like war, war
Feels like war, war
Heart's on fire tonight
Feel my bones ignite
Feels like war, war
Feels like war, war" We sang together

I placed the bacon and eggs onto a plate and handed him his plate.we sat down at the table and began eating. 

"Michael where am I supposed to go?" I asked worried

"What do you mean?" he asked

"Well, I have no money for an apartment, I don't have family down here so I'm out out of options" I said

"Stay with me" He said

"What?" I asked, confused

"Just move in here. My parents won't be home for who knows how long so they wouldn't be a problem" Michael said

"Are you serious?" I asked, eyes wide

"I'm dead serious. You won't have to pay rent so you don't have to worry about money" Michael smiled

I jumped up and ran to him and gave him a tight hug.

"Oh my god thank you thank you thank you thank sooooooooo much" I said and squeezed him

"No problem, anything for my princess" Michael said and kissed me

"Let's go get your stuff" Michael said 

We both got up and walked  to the door and I looked at what I was wearing

"Wait, I need to go change" I said and turned around, but Michael caught my arm an pulled me close to him

"You look just fine" Michael said and kissed me

"Ok" I smiled and we walked hand in hand to his car.

He started his car after we got in and he drove to my house. My house is only like 10 minutes away so it didn't take us long to get there. My dad should be at work and so should my mom. We pulled onto the road I used to live on and I saw my dads car. I started to get scared and wanted to back out of it but Michael grabbed my hand and sqeezed it

"It's gonna be alright princess" Michael said and I calmed down a bit

He parked the car infront of my house and we got out. I used my key to open the door and there he was. Sitting on the couch like he was waiting for us. He looked at me and smirked.

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