Panic Attacks Are Mean

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Jolie's P.O.V

*3 weeks later*

It's been three weeks since Michael's parents moved out. Cam told me he was going to make me his one way or another. I've been scared about it and Michael is very cautious about it. I am currently at the grocery store with Michael. They have started there band and they're so popular they sold an EP!  I found out that the boy in the car after the carnival help Calum and them durring the fight. His name is Ashton. He is also the drummer of their band and they are called 5 Seconds Of Summer. I still wake up almost every night with the nightmare that Michael leaves me.

"Hey babe, do you want to go to an amusement park with Luke and them?" Michael asked

"Um.. Sure" I smiled, trying to hide my fear

"Let's go" He said and kissed my forehead

--- At park----

Everyone had decided to go on this really scary ride and we were next in line. The ride is supposed to mess with your head and I'm scared something it going to happen

"Next" The person said

"Michael I can't do this" I said

"You'll be okay babe. I'll be here the whole time" He said.

Oh, By the way, Luke and them still don't know we are dating. We started walking n when they stopped me

"Sorry mam, we can only fit 5 at a time" He said

"Ok, Michael I'll just meet you at the end" I said and walked away

When I got to the ending of the ride I saw Cameron walking towards me. What made it worse is that he was smirking.

"Hey Hey Hey babe" Cam smirked and grabbed my wrist

"Get off of me" I growled

"Baaaabe let's have some fun shall we?" He laughed

"Michael wil be here any second now so I'd back off" I said, afraid history will repeat itself

"Oh, Let's get rid of him shall we" Cam said and took my phone. he texted Michael that I would meet him at home

All of my hope was gone. Cam dragged me to the parking lot and pushed me up against a car. He kissed my neck and I was afraid. I was afraid Michael wouldn't come for me this time. Cam Pulled my shirt up halfway and smirked. I kicked him in his no no square and he bent down. He stood back up and punched me straight in the nose. I fell to the ground and he kicked me. I saw something flash and he had a knife. I gasped and backed up. He picked me up and grabbed my arm. He took his knife and slashed a really deep gash in my arm. I screamed out in pain as the wound was pouring out blood. I started to feel dizzy and would have fallen to the ground if he wasn't holding me up. He threw me up against a car and my head hit the window and shattered it. 

"You'll be dead by the time your boyfriend comes for you" Cam laughed and walked away

I started to black out but I needed to call Michael first. I couldn't die now. I opened my phone and found Michaels contact.

*Ring Ring Ring*

He didn't answer

*Ring Ring Ring*

Dangit Michael! Everything started to go black and I knew I didn't have much time to do this

*Ring Ring Rin-*

"Hey Babe" Michael said

Everything started going black and my eyes started closing

"Parking lot. Cameron" I said 

"Babe? What?" He said

"Babe answer me"

"Hold on"

"I'm coming"

Was everything I heard as I was closing my eyes.  I just hoped Michael could find me in time.

Michael's P.O.V

I ran out of the park and started checking the parking lot. I ran every row of cars except for one. She has to he here.  I ran into the last row and I saw her. Lying on the ground in a pool of blood.

"No" I said and ran after her. Once I got to her I kneeled down and picked her up. There was glass laying on the ground. I didn't know where the blood had come from. I checked her pulse and I found one, but it was ver very small. I took my phone out and called 911. I told them where I was and they were on their way. I pulled her in close and rocked her back and forth with tears in my eyes.

"It's gonna be okay baby I promise" I cried and kissed her forehead

The ambulance finally arrived and took Jolie from me. I rode in the back of the ambulance.

--At hospital---

On the way here she crashed 4 times and they couldn't find a pulse. We've been for for hours and haven't been updated.

"Jolie's family?" I stood up and so did everyone else

"Um, Michael, is it? Can I talk to you" The doctor asked

"Sure" I said and walked over to him "Is she okay?" 

"Well, when she was cut, he severly damaged a major artary. She was also pushed into a car window and that may cause amnesia" He said and my heart stopped

"A-Amnesia?" I asked

"Yes, but it should only last 1 week to a month" He said

"Okay, can we see her?" I asked

"Yes, that room right over there" He said and pointed to a room "One at a time"

I walked over to her room and looked at her on the bed. She was as pale as snow and she didn't look alive. I walked over to her and held her hand. She opened her eyes

"W-Who are you?" She asked and my heart broke

"I'm Michael, your roomate" I smiled and lied to keep her from being upset

"Oh, Hi" She smiled "Can I have more details?"

"Sure, Um, I've been your bestfriend for about 4 months. You and I are closer than you think" I said and stood up "I'm going to get the other" 

"Okay. Bye" She smiled

I walked out and let a tear slip. I let the others in so they could have turns. I was aloud to bring her home today but I couldn't load her up with information.

--1 hour later---

I had just put Jolie in my parents old room because I don't think she would want to sleep with her roomate she doesn't even know. This is going to be a hard month. The doctor said she could remember anything at anytime.

Jolie's P.O.V

I was sleeping in my room but I didn't feel safe. Like I needed to be with someone for my safety. It also felt like something was missing. more like someone. I was in a room that I didn't recognize as mine. I fell asleep with an empty feeling growing in me.

-- Morning--

I woke up and walked down the stairs to see Michael cooking. I think he is very adorable and maybe there is a connection between us.

"Hey sleepyhead" Michael said

"Hey" I laughed

He handed me a plate with bacon and eggs

"Thanks" I smiled and sat down

This is going to bother me not being able to know anything.

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