Old Faces

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Jolie's P.O.V

I woke up at 4:30 a.m with a sick stomach. I pushed myself off the bed and ran to the bathroom. I turned the light on, pushed the toilet seat up and threw up everything I ate the night before. Once I was done I sat up and leaned against the wall. I sat there a few minutes then threw up again. I heard someone walking then Michael appeared in the bathroom with a shocked face. He ran to my side as soon as he realized what was happening.

"Are you okay?" He asked "Do you need to go to the doctor? Oh my god what if something is wrong with the baby" He started panicking

"You're so confused" I laughed "No, the baby is fine. This happens to everyone"

"Oh my god I'm so clueless" He laughed

"I'm gonna brush m-" I got cut off by throwing up again

"Shh it's alright I'm right here" He said

I eventually stopped throwing up so I brushed my teeth and walked to the lounge, where Michael was sitting on the couch watching T.V. I walked up to him and sat down.

"What's up" He said

"I'm just tired" I said and closed my eyes

"Well it is 5 in the morning" Michael smiled

"Can we go back to bed" I said

"Sure" He said and before I knew it I was being carried, but I didn't really care. He laid me down on the bed and cuddled up next to me. I fell asleep after a few minutes, cuddled up to Michael for who knows how long until he leaves for tour.


I woke up with Michael's arms still wrapped around me, but he was awake.

"Hi" I smiled

"Hi" He smiled

"How long have you been awake?" I asked

"About an hour" He shrugged "We have a problem"

"What?" I asked

"Well, the boys want to know why I came back home but I haven't told them" He said

"Oh.. Do you.. maybe wanna skype them?" I asked

"Sure, Let's go" He said and we both sat up

We walked down the stairs and he got a phone call. He answered it and sighed.

"Hello?" He asked

"Actua-" He was cut off

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