Meet the Cast

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(AN: This is another musical book! I'll tell you when to start and stop all the songs!! Also, there are a few bad words here and there. Nothing TOO bad, but there are a few. There are also a few small lyric changes, but nothing drastic.)

~ Music Start ~

A tall, slender man in a dark grey suit slowly stepped off a train, straightening his black tie. He had nothing with him but a black cane which he didn't use to walk but held regardless as if it was a prop.

Where did he just come from? Only he knows.

He hummed to himself as he walked, and in return, the souls in the Underwhere around him hummed back. His skin was dark, his hair darker, having curly and frizzy texture. He wore a black fedora and tipped it off to everyone he passed, offering them all a smile, a jazzy feel in his stride.

???: Chugga chugga chugga chugga
Chugga chugga chugga chugga

??? and Shaydes: Chugga chugga chugga chugga
Chugga chugga chugga chugga

???: Once upon a time there was a railroad line...

He lightly tilted his head to the railroad next to him, snapping and strutting to keep his rhythm.

???: Don't ask where, brother, don't ask when...

He stopped snapping and pointed his cane at the tracks behind him.

???: It was the road to Hell...
 It was hard times,
It was a world of gods...and men!

He smiled to himself and continued walking, snapping his fingers again while all the souls around him seemed to follow, clapping with the rhythm.

???: It's an old song,

Shaydes: It's an old song!

???: It's an old tale from way back when,
It's an old song

Shaydes: It's an old song,

???: And we're gonna sing it again,

He paused and did a small double step, happily turning around himself and tipping his hat to the crowd.

???: Gods and men, a'ight?
We've got some gods in the house tonight!!

The shaydes all cheered as the man started walking along the railroad again.

???: See, on the road to hell there was a railroad line...

The shaydes all followed behind him.

???: And there were three old women all dressed the same,

He pointed to three old women who each gave him a nod.

???: And they was always singin' in the back of your mind
Everybody meet the hags!

This man then led the shaydes back the way he came, down to Jaydes' castle with a skip in his step.

???: And, on the road to Hell there was a railroad line...

He stepped up to the next train station as another train car was being unloaded.

???: And a young lady steppin' off a train...

The shaydes all looked around him to see who had been arriving.

???: With a suitcase full of summertime
Luvbi, by name.

All the shaydes clapped once again as the man bowed his head at her. Then they all followed behind her as she started towards her mother's castle.

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