Show the Way

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(AN: ANOTHER One of my favorite songs XD. This one's my favorite in the whole soundtrack)

Luigi and Dimentio nervously waited in front of the palace gates, hand in hand. Jaydes had returned earlier, but she didn't speak with them. She seemed to just walk past them and up to her balcony, to be with Grambi and Luvbi. She had still yet to tell the pair if they could leave or not.

It seemed the entire Underwhere was awaiting her answer. All the shaydes waited with Luigi and Dimentio, nervous for their fate. After all, it was in her hands. She was the one who would decide if they could be free or not. It was all up to her.

"What if she doesn't let us go...?" Timpani asked Blumiere, still holding his hand. She turned and looked at him with an almost worried expression on her darkened face. She didn't like this feeling.

But at least she was feeling something.

"She'll say yes..." Blumiere said though he himself was not so sure.

"And if she doesn't?" Timpani pressed. "What if I can't remember you? What if I can't remember our lives from before. I don't want to forget again!"

"Hey... shh, you won't forget again," Blumiere assured, smiling at her and giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. "I promise. I won't let that happen. And if she doesn't let us go, then we'll make new memories. All that matters is that we're together."

This seemed to put her at a little ease. Even though they both knew that it was a flat-out lie. If Luigi were to go away, if that living soul were to be gone, the Underwhere would go back to being the lonely place it was. There would be nothing to stop them from forgetting again. Memories are chained to life, and without any life nearby, those memories fade. But even so, it was easier to believe that things would be okay. It was easier to just be happy now instead of worrying about what the future may or may not hold.

She sighed and leaned her head on his shoulder. She really didn't want to go back to forgetting. Even if these memories she had just made were the only ones she had, she didn't want to let them go. She didn't want to go back to being empty. Empty was not happy. It was just the absence of bad. People should never confuse the absence of bad for happiness. That's not what happiness was.

"I promise, we'll be okay," Blumiere assured, seeing her unease. "We'll remember."

~ Music Start ~

Luigi and Dimentio were still sitting hand in hand when they finally saw someone approaching them.

But instead of Jaydes walking in, they saw Death. And instead of wearing his usual smile, his face actually had expressed a more serious tone.

Uh oh... seeing a serious look on his face was NEVER a good sign.

Luigi: What is it?

Death: Well, the good news is she said that you can go...

Luigi and Dimentio: She did?

Shaydes: She did?

Death: She did,
There's bad news though

Dimentio: What is it?

Death: You can walk,
But it won't be like you planned

Luigi: What do you mean?

Dimentio: Why not?

Death sighed, then turned to Luigi, moving his hands and gesturing as he explained.

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