It's You

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After a long, long walk, Luigi finally made it to the center of Jaydestown. He frantically looked around, searching everywhere he could for Dimentio. He walked the length of the entire wall, asking each and every shayde if they had seen him. Unfortunately, they all went back to ignoring him. It seemed they only responded to him when he sang his song, so that was a bust. Nevertheless, he continued searching and searching, because he was sure as heck NOT going to be going back empty-handed. Not after such a long walk. Not ever.

He did a fairly good job at ignoring ALL of Death's advice. He looked everyone in the eye and spoke to everyone he saw, trying to find Dimentio. But sadly, there was no luck.

Until there was.

He finally saw him, working on the far north side of the wall, mining into the earth.

He looked just as beautiful as he did when he was alive. Luigi could recognize him the instant he saw him. Yes, he had looked different, but it wasn't bad different. Luigi was unsure if he had been turned into a shayde yet or not because there still was some color in Dimentio's eyes and his hair was the same. Yes, his skin was darker than before, but it may have just been due to the different lighting.

Plus, in order to become a shayde, one would have to sign the papers, and Luigi knew Dimentio would never have done that, so he couldn't have been a shayde yet, which meant there was still hope for a happy ending, right?

~ Music Start ~

Luigi let a small smile breakthrough as he sprinted up to Dimentio until he was just a few feet behind him, getting down on one knee and holding the beautiful multicolored flower out to him.

Luigi: Come home with me

Dimentio immediately recognized the voice and dropped the pickaxe, turning around.

Dimentio: It's you

Luigi: It's me

Dimentio suddenly beamed and rushed up to Luigi, tightly hugging him as the memories flooded back upon seeing him.

Dimentio: Luigi!

Luigi: Dimentio!

Dimentio pulled back and grabbed Luigi's face, feeling tears well up in his eyes.

Dimentio: I called your name before

Luigi: I know!

Dimentio: You heard?

Luigi: No...
Mr. Death told me so

Luigi sighed and shook his head, standing up and tightly grabbing Dimentio's hands.

Dimentio: Whatever happened
I am to blame

Dimentio seemed to disagree as he frowned and shook his head.

Dimentio: No

Luigi: You called my name

The jester then beamed, as if that didn't matter anymore.

Dimentio: You came!
But how'd you get here?
On the train?

Luigi smiled and shook his head, turning and pointing past the wall.

Luigi: No, I walked
A long way

Dimentio: How'd you get beyond the wall?!

Luigi: I sang a song
So beautiful
Stones wept and they let me in!

He then grabbed Dimentio's hands once again.

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