Death by Misadventure-Part 2

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The sound sounded like it was a door being slammed.

Lexy😒:Yo where are you?
Me:what do you mean
Lexy😒:where are you?
Me:Mind your damn business.
Lexy😒:Damn okay
Me:I was joking. I'm on my way.

*Jake's pov*

I woke up to the sound of Chucky talking. "Hi i'm chucky and I'm your friend to the end. Hidey-ho. Ha-ha-ha" I look over to where I put chucky last night. He wasn't there. I looked around my room. He was at my desk looking at the wall. "What the fuck" I got up and got dressed. I walked to my bus stop to see Devon there. Damn he is cute. He got on the bus and I decided to sit behind him. Bold I know. My cousin Junior came and sat next to him. I may have got a little jealous.

*At School*

"Hey Jake can you introduce me to your cousin?" "Junior?" "Ye-" "I'm sorry I don't go that way but my cousin here does" junior said shaking my back. I gave him a side eye and walked to science. "Good morning everyone we are going to insect a frog today." I looked at the frog and gave a uncomfortable look. "Jake what's wrong" "I can't do that." "But you can rip apart dolls heads" "Mind your fucking business Oliver" "I don't like the sight of blood" "You'll be okay Jake" my teacher said walking over to a group of kids near my desk. I stabbed the frog with the knife and instantly felt sick. When I turned back the whole thing looked like a bear ripped it apart. My teacher walked back over. "Oh Jake that's not" "I didn't do that" Everyone's phones went off. "What's that noise" Oilver and Lexy laughed. "Lexy's go-fund me" Oliver said laughing. "Let me see that" Oilver gave her the phone. The bell soon rang. "Goodbye everyone." Lexy almost left. "Nope lexy you stay."


I was listening to the new episode of Hackenslash. "Hey Jake." I hurried and put my phone and headphones away. "What were you listening too" "Oh um I was watching vampire Diaries." "What is it about".  "it's about
the unbreakable bond of two brothers" "And there are like really hot vampires." "Super hot..." "Hey I know you listen to my podcast and you were just listening to it right now." "Oh..." "Do you want to be on a episode. " "i thought you were into horror" "i am it's just bullying is horror to the victims so do you" "Do I look like a poster of losers to you" I got up and threw my trash away and walked away angrily.

This is all I could think of. Also sorry about not posting this last week. I couldn't think of anything. Anyways I hope you like this episode. Have a great day/night/ afternoon. -Author

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