Death by Misadventure-Part 3

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 *Devon's POV* 

I felt kind of bad for Jake. I didn't mean it to come out that way. I just wanted him on the podcast. My thought was rudely interrupted by a text from someone. 

Junior💪: Why were you talking to my cousin?

Me: I was asking him a question

Junior💪: What was the question?

Me: Why do you wanna know?

Junior💪: No reason...

Me: Whatever

He left me on read and the class bell soon rang singling that we need to get to class. I was in English zoning out as usual. "Devon what is the answer to #5," my English teacher said. "The answer to #5 is-" the door opened to relive a sad and mad-looking Jake. "Can I borrow Devon for a minute? Mr. William wants to speak with him" "Oh um okay. Devon go with Jake someone else can answer." I got up and pushed in my chair. "You will need to bring your stuff. you will be there for the rest of the period." I grabbed my stuff and walked to the door. "Mr. William didn't need you. I wanted to talk to you about lunch and since I don't have your number, I can't really text you." Jake said pulling me into the closet empty room which was the old science room. "Jake-" "Devon I'm sorry for yelling at you at lunch. I feel like such a dick. Of course, I would love to be on your podcast but one thing I want to know is why you want me on it. I get that I get bullied, but I know that, that is not the whole reason why you want me on the podcast." I was speechless. I couldn't tell him that I just wanted him on the podcast because I love him. I couldn't tell him that the only reason is that I just wanted to hang out with him. "I want you on the podcast because I want people to know how rich white people treat others," I said looking at Jake's face. His pretty little face. "People wouldn't care" "Actually lots will" "Okay fine I will do it," Jake said turning to the door. "Wait can I see your phone" "Why?" "Because I want to give you my number," I said giving a soft smile. "Yeah ok," Jake handed me his phone. I added my number as a contact and gave Jake his phone back. He walked out and walked back in a few seconds later. "Come with you so you don't get in trouble," Jake said facing my confused face. "Okay," I said walking over to jake with my stuff. We walked to a place behind the lunchroom. "Where are we?" I asked looking around the smallish room. "My secret Hangout. I come here to calm down or do work I can't finish in class" I turned on the light and it showed all sorts of things like notebooks, pencils, old wrappers from candy bars, and other school supplies. "It's dirty I know," Jake said sitting on a small bean bag. "How did you get that in here?" Pointing to the bean bag. "I stole from the art room. they have tons of them in there" Jake said smiling at his accomplishment. 

*After school*

"Have you ever skipped class before?" Jake asked me while walking to our bus. "No not until today. I will just hack into my teacher's account and change my absents." I said not worrying about it. "Huh?" Jake stopped walking and turned to me. "What? Is that not normal?" I said doing the same. "Not for a middle schooler" "Who said I was a middle schooler?" I said jokily. "Omg, I knew you were top agent spy for the FBI" Jake said laughing afterwards. "Yup and now, I have to kill you since you know my secret." we both laughed getting onto our bus. Junior was already on the bus, so I sat next to him, and Jake sat behind us. "Dude why have you been hanging with my loser of a cousin?" Junior whispered to me. "First of all, he isn't a loser, second of all someone is jealous, and third he is actually nice," I whispered back. "Bro He's gay and a fucking weirdo" "So what if he is gay and he can be, but everyone is like you asshole," I said getting up while the bus was moving and sat next to Jake. "What are you doing?" Jake asked taking out his earbuds. "Sitting next to you. That's what I'm doing." I stated. "I see that but why?" "Because I felt like it," I said as I smiled at him. He smiled back and we continued to talk about random things. "Weird question but can you I have a picture of you?" Jake asked while giving me a little smile. "Sure," I said smiling as he took the picture. "Perfect," he said putting it as my contact picture. The bus got to my bus stop and I got up with my stuff and left the bus. 

Jake😍❤️: Heyy

I left him on read and put some music on while I walked. I got home and went straight to my room.

Me: Heyy

Jake😍❤️: I see how it is.. leaving me on read. 

Me: I know how could I? It won't happen again. 

Jake😍❤️: It better not

Me: Lmao

Hey y, all! so I decided to continue this story. I hope you liked this chapter. Please vote and tell me how you feel about it. if you have any ideas, please pm me and I will think about using the idea. Love yall and have a great day/night/afternoon.- Author

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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