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Y/n POV.

As soon as you woke up you felt like going back to sleep. You barely got any rest that night because you were busy thinking about how you younger brother is getting his gift today! You suddenly feel a jolt through you body and you jump up. Your younger brother is getting his gift today! You needed to get him a gift. You change out of your pajamas into a new dress you had just finished sowing together the day before. It has a bunch of animals on it, the skirt is blue and the top is white. You run downstairs in to the kitchen, stopping in your sisters room first and shifting in to a cat you swat at her face and run. "Good morning mami!" You give your mother a kiss on the cheek. "Good morning papi!" You give him a kiss on the cheek too. "Good morning princessa!" They say in unison, and you giggle a bit. You grab your breakfast off the table and eat it in almost three bites. Your parents give you a weird glare. "Where are you going?" Your mother asks. "I'm going to get Jay a gift." You reply quickly, almost out the door already. "Be careful, alright?" Your mother says. "Yes mami. I love you!" You say as you send both your parents air blown kisses. As soon as you get out of your house you have to walk a little bit, you live near the Madrigals, but far from the town. It was surprising you didn't know any of the Madrigals by now.  Once you reached the town you entered a small toy shop with small stuffed animals and puzzles and games and all sorts of kids stuff. You got your brother a small stuffed animal Sugar glider. You knew it was his favorite animal, but you never knew why. On your way to the cash register you ran into a boy. "Ai! I am so so sorry!" You say immediately. "It's fine princessa-" the boy reply's. Ai, que Lindo hombre you think to yourself as you look at him. Wait- you just ran in to this kid, and you are already calling him handsome?! He stared at your face. "Que? Do I have something on my face?" You asked, and you wiped your whole face with your hands. "Ai! No no, their is nothing on your face princessa, my apologies." His face suddenly turned red. "You look like a tomato principe!" You giggled a bit and his face darkened red. "What is your name Principe?" You asked. "Camilo Madrigal... surprised you don't know me. Are you new here.. erm.." "Y/N. No I am not new principe, I just don't get out often. So your one of the famous Madrigals, eh?" You replied quickly, and Camilo started to calm down, as his face started to fade back to its normal shade. "Si!" He said proudly. "Well, then what can you do?" You asked him, looking dumbfounded. "You really are clueless, huh princessa? Well, I can shape shift!" He suddenly became you. You felt a sudden jolt of excitement through your body. You wanted to show him your gift, but you couldn't. "Woah! It's like I'm looking in a mirror, awesome gift principe!" "Gracias, princessa." He says as he shape shifts back and does a small bow and you laugh a bit. What a cute boy. You thought. Ai! Again? I just met him! "So, princessa, would you like to come over for the gift ceremony today? For my younger brother Antonio?" "Ai, principe, I wish I could, but alas, I cannot." You said dramatically, hand on your head. "Well, princessa Y/n, how about you come to my beautiful castle tomorrow then, and we can have dinner with mi familia."  He says, matching your tone. "And you could introduce me to them?" You said excitedly, breaking the dramatic tone. "Si, hermosa!" You blushed a bit. "Gracias principe Camilo, I will see you at your castle tomorrow. Hermoso." You added and winked at him. He returned to his red shade from earlier. You walked off to go pay, leaving him there looking like a cherry. Once you payed you walked out and back home. You couldn't wait to tell your familia that a Madrigal had invited you to dinner with his family!

723 words! Pretty good for my first time I guess.
I really hope you guys are enjoying the book, and I'd appreciate constructive criticism, just not anything rude. Have a wonderful day/night/evening!

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