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The depths of the mind is unique. To know what someone is thinking? Impossible.


Stephanie takes a sip of her Frappe as she walks on the freshly laid snow.

He was going to kiss me? Well, he was going to do something she thought.

Causally walking back to her home all she thought about was him.




How come three months of looking back and forth is finally coming to this? she wondered.

She fumbled through her purse to retrieve her keys to her apartment. She opens the door, welcome to a smell of caramel apples.

Stephanie undresses and hops on the bed. She lays there wondering what today all meant. I mean he obviously has some feelings for me. I just don't understand why so sudden.

As she pounders the possiblites, she cringes upon one thought.

I laughed. I laughed in his face. Oh, I'm so stupid. For all I know maybe he was trying to kiss me and failed.

She grabbed a pillow and plopped it on her face. Now he thinks I probably hate him.

Stephanie sighed, "Why me? Why did you have to bring such a good looking man in my life just for me to mess it up"?

She rips the pillow off her face and starts to pace around her bedroom.

How am I going to explain my outburst to him tomorrow? I didn't mean it. I just laughed because I really thought he was going to kiss him and I thought it was my imagination. She stops pacing.

"For all I know he could be taken." She nears the bed, plops herself down, and buries her head in her hands.

What am I going to do?

She drags her head out of her hands, searching for her laptop. She quickly finds it under the covers and powers it on.

She navigated towards Google and searches up Lane Williams. 397 search result pops up. She clicks on the first search item."Lane Williams Free Lance Writer"

Lane Williams Free Lance Writer

"The infamous Lane Williams writes for a famous publicist Great Stories Times, his compatibly for other genre of writings keeps his readers engaged.

George Stallman [editor]: He's a good man. I'm glad I hired him. He really knows how to get to his readers.

As Stephanie reads his page in awe, something clicked in the back of her mind. He's a writer. A journalist really. But, this gives me an excuse to talk to him tomorrow. Stephanie pulls out one of his articles "How to Find A Fall Love". Lane writes articles about love every season.

How to Find a Fall Love

"Love isn't easy. It takes time and effort. But it's worth it when you find the right one. As for me, I think I may have found her. I met her in the fall, late November. She was scribbling in a little notepad dressed like a novelist. Well that was my first guess.

I never got the courage to go up to her and ask for her name. I would just stare from afar. That's all I ever do. Look at her beauty hoping one day she will come to me. But alas, one man cannot wait what a man must do. When I regain that strength, I will surely ask her out".

I wonder who this girl is?

He writes well. I wonder if he can give me feedback on my books. She roamed around the webpage finding pictures of Lane. She found one below the article.

His fluorescent golden skin brighten her screen. She can't help but feel weak. Even if it was just a picture. His dirty blonde hair was freshly cut and he was growing a little subtle on his chin. His green eyes were lit.

He was happy in the picture. His navy blue suit complimented his olive green eyes. Stephanie's mouth watered at the sight of this beloved picture. Without thinking, her mouse left clicked and saved the picture.

She then went onto Google Images to find more devilishly handsome pictures of Lane Williams. Saving 28 more she was done for the night.

She rolled up into bed dreaming about the infamous Lane Williams.


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