where it all began

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The red hat boy had ginger her.
He liked ginger.
He ate one.
The red hat ginger boy is in a forest.
The red hat ginger boy breaks his ankle in the mentioned forest.
The red hat ginger boy is sad.
It hurts.
He is crying like a weak red hat ginger boy.
There comes the cow print moose.
The red hat ginger boy is scared.
He has never seen such creature.
The cow print moose smells the blood and becomes hungry.
He licks the red hat ginger boy's ankle.
The red hat ginger boy's leg is suddenly better.
It is a magical cow print moose.
The magical cow print moose healed the red hat ginger boy's wound.
The magical cow print moose and the red hat ginger boy become friends.
The red hat ginger boy can't walk.
The magical cow print moose gives the red hat ginger boy a ride to Florida.
"Why Florida?" Asks the magical cow print moose.
"It is better than Hollywood." Answers the red hat ginger boy.
"It really isn't." Says the magical cow print moose.

And there went the red hat ginger boy and his new friend the magical cow print moose to Florida because it is not better than Hollywood.

a weird moose and a weird boyWhere stories live. Discover now