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KUROO WALKED UP TO KENMA AND YANKED ON HIS BACKPACK BRINGING HIM BY HIS SIDE. "kuroo?! what the fuck is wrong with you?" kenma asked as he rubbed his shoulder in pain.

"you're not eating lunch with the rest of the team today? you're walking away from the lunch room." kuroo questioned.

"i know, i'm eating with one of my other friends-"

"what other friends?" kuroo asked with a laugh before he realized and a mischievous smile fell on his lips. "ohoho you're going to sneak off with your little girlfriend y/n huh?" he teased.

"shut up kuroo." kenma said as he felt his face heat up in embarrassment.

"chill, i just messin with you." kuroo smiled. "but just so you know, a.v. club is the other way. i'll see you at practice." he shook kenma's shoulder as he left.

after searching for about five minutes kenma finally found her club room. he carefully pushed open the door to the dimly lit room to see y/n sitting with her headphones on, plugged up to her walkman. scattered around her on the table were pop rock packets and the little crumbs of sugar.

the sound of the door closing behind him scared both kenma and y/n, making her jump in her seat. "kai i swear, if that's you coming here to try and touch my hair i'm gonna kick your ass!" y/n yelled out as she didn't turn around.

kenma sighed and walked over to her and pulled her headphones around her neck, before he sat in the chair next to her. "it's kenma." he said with a small smile.

"oh, hey." y/n smiled. "my bad it's just this club is full of weird nerds, and that one is like really creepy." she laughed.

"so why are you in this club?"

"it's where i run my radio station after school." she said as she opened up another pack of cherry pop rocks. "the station hasn't been run in years so i picked it up. they're literally wasting a perfectly good radio tower."

"that's cool, i never knew there was one." kenma said as he opened up his can of soda.

"no one does, unfortunately. want some?" y/n offered as she held a new pack of grape flavored pop rocks out to the fake blond.

"sure." he took the pack and dumped some of the candy in his mouth. the two sat for a moment and listened to the popping.

"kenma," y/n spoke up, grabbing the boys attention, he looked up with curious eyes,"do you wanna be my boyfriend?"

kenma froze at the question, letting silence linger as the sound of pop rocks interrupted that. "w-what..?" he stuttered out.

y/n let out a groan at his reaction and hid her face on the table out of embarrassment. "it's whatever-i don't know- i just-" she let out a groan of frustration as she couldn't find the right words.

"i just like you." y/n said as she sat up. "and i know you like me, and people date to learn more about each other? so i just figured-"

"sure." kenma said quickly as his cheeks blushed a light pink. she took a moment to look over his flustered state before a small smile fell on her lips.

"sure." y/n mouthed back in a teasing manner. "cool, so what do wanna do as my boyfriend now? you wanna like...kiss?" she asked in a teasing whisper as she smirked at kenma.

kenma's eyes widened at her bold question, causing him to stammer out an answer. "s-sure-"

"s-sure!" y/n teased as she sat up from her seat. "you're such a dork ken ken. maybe i'll give you a real kiss on our date." she said as she ruffled his hair and bent down to his ear. "better than the one on new year." she whispered with a small giggle before leaving. "see ya later!"

even though the bell rang kenma remained frozen in his seat. his face was burning up and he felt like his heart was going to explode in his chest. he let out a shakey breath as he finally stood up.

"i thought my mom would kill me first...but it's gonna be a random girl from a ski resort...that my mom hates...so the possibility still stands."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2022 ⏰

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