Combination of Ingredients

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I jolted awake to shoutimg coming from the main room, I put on my black silk robe and started walking, whatever was waiting, I was ready. I peeked into the main room, the Roos were trapped hanging up, Father, Elysia, and the rest of his minions were there. Dullard was bowing.

"Bow, roll over, BEG!" Father demanded.

"Please, please!" Dullard begged after acting like an obedient dog.

"Go away."

Father walked to Barbarocious and was about to kiss her.

"Komodo, you forgot loyalty," Chi said.

He stopped and turned back to them.


He rose, Barbarocious made a dissapointed whimper.

"Only lasts so long, then it spoils."

He started sucking face with Elysia. Really Father, in front of everyone? Father continued.

"Chi, your stupidity astounds me, YOU COME UNINVITED INTO MY LAIR, animals that you are, like animals I shall serve you up as supper to my close friend, most loyal guest, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THE NEWCOMER!"

"No, not Ryan," the Roos said.

General Grillo walked in without noticing me.

"It was Master Chung."


"He took the newcomer from me."

"We gotta get out of here," Yun whispered.

"I'll add just a dash of the old man to the dish AND I'LL ENJOY YOUR LIFESPRING FOR DESSERT!"

"NO!" The Roos shouted.

"YES!" He retorted.

He tossed a bottle of Zubrium to General Grillo.

"General Grillo, drink."

He took Elysia's hand and started walking. I hid from them as they left. When they were gone, I walked in.

"Mistress Tamara, you're supposed to be in bed," General Grillo said.

"All the shouting woke me General."

The Roos gasped.

"Tam...Tam...tell them to let us go," Tsun said.

I turned to the general.

"Release my friends."

All but me and the Roos gasped.

"Mistress?" Dullard and Mantose asked in shock.

I took the medallion out and showed them.

"Virtue of Integrity, Force of...of...huh...I guess I'll let you dumb bellowing sheeps have a guess."

"You're the sixth warrior, it's air. You're betraying your father, you know that!?"

"Don't tell him, what he doesn't know, won't hurt him. I've trained with them for months, I'm a loyal friend, my loyalty to the Roos is nonperishable, my loyalty to Komodo is like a flower, seasonal blooming, it blooms, then it dies, the cycle goes. I love my father, I have no choice because he's my father."

"You're supposed to love, honor, and obey your father. Virtue of Integrity? What makes a weak child like you worthy of this title."

I snatched the bottle from him, flicked the lid off.

"No Tam," Tsun said.

"Don't drink it, you have no idea what it will do to you," Chi said.

"Drink it mistress," Barbarocious said.

Dullard and Mantose chanted.

"Drink it, drink it, drink it, drink it-"

"Oh shut up!" I said.

"You and your father will definitely be alike," Barbarocious said.

I threw the bottle across the room, shattering.

"I know what it's capable of, I've lived with the living embodiment of the side effects of Zubrium almost my whole life. It's like living with an alcoholic parent in Ryan's world."

I looked at the Roos still hanging. I jumped and started flying, I span around the Roos beating up the chains until they were free.

"Go go go!"

The Roos escaped as fast as they could

"You little rat!" Grillo yelled.

He was about to strike me, I caught his wrist, and shoved him, my air abilities used as momentum.

"Mistress, me against you, I never thought I'd see the day. The ring, where did you find that?"

"Father gave it to me as an early birthday present."

"It belonged to your mother. Did he tell you?"

"I think he was but we were interrupted. General, you know about her don't you?"

"She was a warlady, he never truly loved any other woman like he did her. She loved you very much, I will never forget how happy both her and your father were when you were in the oven and soon popped right out."

The two dummies cackled.

"You were a cute little baby," Dullard said.

"Goo goo gaa gaa," Mantose blurted.

"I remember you trying to reach for my beard," Grillo continued.

"Ours too, it hurt awful bad," Dullard said.

"Tell me what fatherly things did Father do when I was a baby?"

"He used to toss you in the air and catch you, you loved it when he did that, you were screeching from excitement."

"Wow," I grinned.

"When you were almost four, your mother died. Can you recall what happened?"

"No, I'm afraid not."

"The plague happened, your mother was one of the first to get sick. She knew she wasn't gonna make it, the ring is a crystal ball, she was clairvoyant."

I looked at the little crystal ball on my ring.

"This little ball, how can anybody see inside that?"

"It'll come to you, the ring is a part of her and so are you."

Suddenly, I got a vision of Master Chung and Father fighting and soon Master Chung's death. My head was spinning when the vision stopped.

"I feel dizzy...General..."

Then, I vomited.

"Summon a servant, get this cleaned up. Come mistress, back to bed."

"I want Father as soon as I'm in bed, when you let him know I'm sick, he'll be by my side quicker than a mama bear protecting her cubs, trust me. I trust you not to tell him what happened here, say that I woke up sick, searched for him but vomited in the process."

"Yes mistress."

I went back to bed while General Grillo went to my father.

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